Example sentences of "the need [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Other countries seem to have recognised the need to give the police full investigative powers as well as treating hacking simpliciter as a relatively serious offence . ’
2 Those who stress reversal see the process as one that has been led from the top , using the need to accommodate the reforms to Japan 's particular social system in order to legitimate the changes .
3 The way these various aspects of current Roman catholic social teaching were presented in the Irish constitution can hardly be taken as fulfilment of the need to reflect the opinions of the majority of the republic 's population .
4 Other fans may feel the need to embellish the stories about what hooligans do , but the embellishments stop short of pure fantasy .
5 The procedures employed to conduct the second multi-agency enumeration survey were similar to those adopted in the first survey , the main differences being the need to revise the agencies employed to enumerate problem drug users ( see Parker et al .
6 Because of the need to respect the sensitivities of foreign States , careful limits are set to the power to make orders :
7 Bevin said little directly on the issue , except to stress the political problems of a rapid withdrawal from the Dutch East Indies and the need to consult the Chiefs of Staff .
8 There will be the need to relocate the trees and shrubs which currently bound the forestry and conservation site on its western side .
9 Foreign Ministers called for a comprehensive political settlement , and spoke of " the need to create the conditions for an early deployment of UN peacekeeping forces " .
10 The idea of the 1930s as an interruption in the development of latent democratic tendencies , has been the dominant one , and seen in this light , US reforms were based on the need to destroy the weeds that had stunted democratic growth , and provide liberal doses of fertilizer .
11 Another factor played a vital part in the arguments they advanced : the need to entrench the achievements of the Thatcher government .
12 In July 1943 Attlee pointed to the need to draw the Americans into sharing the burden of maintaining order in post-war Europe , in order to liberate British resources for the maintenance of the Commonwealth .
13 In the words of a report of the ministry of economics and finance ( cited in El País , 6 July 1983 ) , ‘ the losses that occur in practice tend to be higher even than those originally forecast because , among other reasons , of the increase in financial charges implied by the need to finance the lags in financial flows caused by insufficient budgetary provision ’ .
14 The case is one more illustration of the extreme technicality of the law relating to the sentencing of juveniles , and the need to simplify the provisions governing the relationship between two forms of detention which are likely at least in this type of case to be indistinguishable from each other in their implementation .
15 Gradually the idea of serving the king in his wars was being replaced by the need to serve the res publica , a less particular and more all-embracing higher good .
16 The impression given by the Bulletin and its Supplement is that there is universal acceptance that the car will be the preferred and available mode of transport throughout the lifespan of the houses that are being constructed ; that individual car-ownership for all eligible people will be the norm ; and thus , though the need to curb the excesses of the car is recognised , other forms of transport are aberrances which must be made to fit around the key elements of the design , which are car-friendly .
17 The need to relieve the Shacks from inshore patrol work , and to fill a gap left by the retirement of the last Lockheed Venturas in the early 1960s , saw the rebirth of 25 Squadron in 1968 at Ysterplaat — the first taste of sea air for the SAAF Dakotas .
18 A review of our quality management systems had identified the need to re-appraise the procedures for controlling unit operations and to develop our systems of document control .
19 During 1992/93 the University found the need to tackle the issues again , to remove non-functioning bodies from the instruments of government , to streamline various decision-making processes , to redefine membership of the University following the major changes in academic staff tenure , to change the composition of the academic Council and , by no means least , remove gender-specific language .
20 I have already referred to the fact that the need to move the children had been precipitated by the announcement by the friends of the family with whom the children were staying that they could not keep the children any longer .
21 That the programme was taking place at all was an amazing thing in itself , but when I heard people in the studio audience talking of the need to sacrifice the hostages now for the sake of others in the future , just as they had in Day to Day nine months previously , I wondered why so few people seemed to share my view that we were being duped into believing that teaching the terrorists a lesson was the sole issue .
22 The most common problem has been the need to replace the joints between the 15 or 20 metre spans of the road .
23 He also laid down certain rules fur balance , on the need to bend the knees always as a preparation for any kind of step followed by a stretch , on the vital use of the head and on the need fur the co-ordination of all parts if the desired movements were to be precise and elegant .
24 The need to support the police was accepted by both the Labour and the Conservative speakers in the parliamentary debate on the riots , and was established as a benchmark for the official response to the riots long before the Scarman Report was published in November 1981 .
25 The copy featured the rise in crime that had taken place under Labour , stressing the need to support the police and the protection of people and property .
26 David Trippier , the heritage minister , confirmed yesterday that the Department of the Environment would ‘ be considering very carefully , with advice from English Heritage , the need to schedule the remains ’ .
27 ‘ I do feel the need to use the lyrics to get the information across to people who would n't necessarily pick things up .
28 The goal deluge at St James 's Park brought home the need to counter the effects of the new offside law which came into force that summer and which reduced from three to two the number of players required to be between an opposing attacker and goal when the ball was last played .
29 There are three basic considerations : ( 1 ) the need to avoid the consequences of a dissolution and winding up of the whole business ; ( 2 ) the need to define the circumstances in which leaving the partnership is permitted or made compulsory ; and ( 3 ) the need to anticipate the financial and administrative consequences of the departure of members of the firm .
30 The need to define the boundaries of obedience is at the heart of Richardson 's novel .
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