Example sentences of "the need [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A fully secularized society was a contradiction in terms , for there could be no society that would not feel the need to uphold the collective sentiments that gave it its unity and individuality .
2 There are differences among the units because of the need to adapt the standard model to the specific conditions of each site , such as its cooling capacities or degree of earthquake risk .
3 Cynics may even suggest the whole exercise , from the Griffiths Report onwards , is a rationalisation of the need to control the public costs of private residential care .
4 The Third report introduced a beguiling relationship : on the one hand , the need to establish new and to expand old industries in the Special Areas , and on the other , the need to control the post-1918 growth of Greater London .
5 Underline the need to maximise the short time available to them to their best advantage .
6 To this he added a determination that existing regulations which restricted the number and quality of foreign seamen employed on British ships should he enforced and strengthened , drawing attention to the abuse whereby shipowners discharged British seamen at foreign ports and hired cheaper foreign crews to replace them and to the need to repeal the Indian Merchant Shipping Act which permitted owners to employ lascars on worse terms than British seamen .
7 The traditional Asquithian-Liberal section of the party , which dominated the constituencies believed in the need to reiterate the established Liberal shibboleths .
8 The Department is becoming aware of the need to respect the special requirements of different sectors of the community when conduction consultation exercises , especially the needs of women , the disabled and ethnic minorities .
9 A second example of the need to target the correct emission sources relates to traffic .
10 His main growth areas … are likely to include the improvement and extension of existing houses , the modernising and planned maintenance of commercial , industrial and other buildings , and the need to improve the thermal insulation of almost all buildings … . ’
11 One solution was the improvement of administrative and managerial efficiency , but emphasis was increasingly placed upon the need to improve the physical and productive efficiency of the mass of the population , and to increase the size of that population .
12 In many instances , no doubt , it 's true , but Canon Ian Hardaker , clergy appointments adviser , is refreshingly honest about the need to improve the intellectual calibre of the would- be clergy .
13 As will become apparent in subsequent chapters , many ideas relating to the teaching of languages have a more common currency across the curriculum — ideas like the creative classroom and task-based learning , for example , and the need to resolve the competing claims of teacher authority and learner autonomy .
14 We are also aware of the need to halt the environmental degradation that overproduction brings in its wake .
15 The need to close the traditional cultural divide between education and industry where ‘ many entered the teaching profession straight from Higher Education without much practical knowledge of conditions in industry , or a proper understanding of its role and requirements ’ .
16 This afforded the opportunity for him both to become familiar with other music , and to come to grips with concerto movement forms unhampered by the need to create the thematic and harmonic material as well .
17 Kaifu reportedly advised Singh on the need to liberalize the Indian economy .
18 The main themes that Bukharin pursued were : ( 1 ) the need to cut down on the excessive unproductive consumption of the state bureaucracy ; and ( 2 ) the need to draw the widest possible strata of the people into the planning process and into controlling the state .
19 Whole curricular thinking was inhibited by the need to preserve the first ; the breaking down of professional isolation by the need to conceal the latter .
20 And just as Protestant attitudes were shaped by the engagement with Rome , so the Catholic Church itself was deeply affected by the need to repel the Protestant heresies .
21 We might compare this ethical relation to Cixous ' remarks about the need to love the other or Kristeva 's recent preoccupation with love which , from this perspective , hardly involves the sudden apostasy of which she has been accused , but rather as for Levinas consists of a way of formulating a ‘ responsibility for the Other , being-for-the-other ’ .
22 But the emphasis of officially inspired newspaper articles has switched from the need to defend the Saudi holy places to the need to liberate Kuwait .
23 The philosophical message of Vegetius 's De re militari centred upon the need to defend the common good , and for that need to be met not by the employment of mercenaries but by members of the community adequately prepared to fight .
24 There are three basic considerations : ( 1 ) the need to avoid the consequences of a dissolution and winding up of the whole business ; ( 2 ) the need to define the circumstances in which leaving the partnership is permitted or made compulsory ; and ( 3 ) the need to anticipate the financial and administrative consequences of the departure of members of the firm .
25 The problem of different definitions and codings has already arisen in the need to harmonise the 1991 SARs from Northern Ireland with those from Great Britain ( Middleton forthcoming ) .
26 We are unhappy about the fact the guidance stresses the need to sustain the rural economy as ‘ the guiding principle ’ of development in the countryside .
27 In terms of Henry Thornton 's antithesis between reputation and religion and the need to sacrifice the former to the latter if it aided the antislavery cause , Clarkson had sometimes seemed too attached to reputation .
28 The parish council acknowledge the need to replace the present structure but have not yet considered the details . ’
29 HarperCollins is very keen , recognising the need to replace the old sf writers with a new generation , but my sf reader found it heavy going .
30 This done , the next broad area to be covered was the need to examine the various models of community economic development , how local people can be involved in the process of regenerating their areas , how the process can best be facilitated and what can be realistically achieved .
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