Example sentences of "the report call for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The report calls for a nationwide audit of endangered species and places to be followed by a nationwide conservation scheme .
2 The report calls for a ban on all such imports .
3 To prevent widespread famine , the report calls for the development of new crops adapted to hotter climates and drier soils ; major irrigation and land reclamation schemes ; and , above all , a reduction in population growth .
4 The report calls for the EC to legislate to ensure that tropical timber imports come from sustainable sources and to enforce minimum operating standards for EC companies working in tropical forest areas .
5 The report called for a continuing government-sponsored evaluation of timber-frame housing , longer-term guarantees , and voluntary limits by house-builders on the number of dwellings built by this method .
6 The report called for a major debate each year on this White Paper and recommended the creation of a new public Expenditure Select Committee to take the place of the former Estimates Committee .
7 As far as the institutional structure was concerned , the report called for a rationalization of the present pattern to be based on a network of centres in each region , including an important role for the colleges of education ( technical ) , particularly in developing pilot schemes for professional tutors , of whom there should be at least one in every further education college .
8 The report called for the debt strategy to be broadened to include debt concessions for highly indebted middle-income countries , such as Poland , whose main debt was with official creditors .
9 The report called for the better organization of training and education between employers , trade unions and individuals .
10 The report called for the establishment of an " ecological police force " , to have similar powers to traffic police in enforcing pollution regulations .
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