Example sentences of "the money [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Edward 's first responsibility was for the receipt and expenditure of the money assigned for the operations , a responsibility discharged through a special exchequer set up in 1246 , over which he presided .
2 Last year the soaring public debt reached almost 120% of GDP , even without counting the money owed for the weapons Greece 's soldiers buy from abroad .
3 He added : ‘ It seems a bit of a nonsense to struggle to provide a good service and then for compensation awarded by the Ombudsman to come out of the money provided for the work in the first place . ’
4 An order requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants , who were not parties to any Euramco transaction and who did not receive anything under any Euramco transaction , to repay the investors the money paid for the Euramco shares , is , he submits , a compensatory order , not a restitutionary one .
5 The money paid for the headstone and Mr and Mrs McDermott 's appreciation is obvious in the inscription at the bottom which reads : ‘ Donated by the people of Northern Ireland ’ .
6 She was already dutiful and anxious to please him , and she looked so pretty in a dress of sprigged cotton he 'd given her the money to buy for the wedding .
7 It is not at all clear when the money stented for the repair of the bridges and the enclosing of the churchyards was paid and the work completed .
8 For not the least of Henry 's problems was how to raise the money required for the accomplishment of such an undertaking .
9 The injustice to the home-owner is sometimes made worse by the fact that very often he has n't the money to pay for the repairs and has to borrow from the bank in order to pay the bill .
10 Has the board raised the money to pay for the reinstallation ?
11 If local authority members are responsible for providing services but do not have to go to their own electorate to raise the money to pay for the services , they have less incentive to make effective use of these funds .
12 How do you get the money to pay for the bus fares ?
13 I could not , in all conscience , advise anybody to embark on a commercial diving career at present , especially if that person has to borrow the money needed for the training .
14 The moneys provided for the preparation of NHS trust proposals are in addition to the moneys provided for patient care .
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