Example sentences of "the first edition of this " in BNC.

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1 The British Theatre Association , mentioned in the first edition of this book , has for decades offered professional and all-embracing training courses for actors , directors , and young people .
2 It is 2 years since the first edition of this booklet was printed and during this time there has been an enormous increase in interest in the use of LM potencies .
3 This ability of DNA to cut and splice , to jump in and out of chromosomes at the drop of a hat , is one of the more exciting facts that have come to light since the first edition of this book was published .
4 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
5 R. M. Harmer , author of the Corporation section of the first edition of this book , placed himself in such a position as to be issued the last ticket ( for a 6 pence fare ) .
6 Indeed this ‘ gender neutral ’ definition of sexism has become so prevalent even since the first edition of this book was written , it is necessary in this revised edition to be much more explicit about my use of the term .
7 In a review of the first edition of this book , Sara Mills took issue with me for pessimistically implying that linguistic reform is impossible ; she pointed out , and I think with some justice , that my analysis risks leaving women with no way to hit back when they are confronted with sexist language , at least until after the revolution .
8 Since the first edition of this book was published , men have gone to the moon and walked about on it .
9 Many of these have been published as national biographical repertories , but not all are complete ( that for France , for example , had reached the letter D when the first edition of this book appeared and has now , nineteen years later , almost completed G , Italy , in the same time , has got from B to C. Works for reference such as these form the scholarly end of a spectrum of contemporary works which runs at its other extreme into straightforward journalism .
10 In the first edition of this book , I wrote that the use of econometrics in advertising was roughly at the stage before the square edges of the first wheel were rounded off .
11 In the first edition of this book it was argued that levels of controversy over social policies since 1951 had not been particularly high .
12 Since the first edition of this book was published in 1987 the financial situation of lone mothers has deteriorated — the gap between the incomes of lone mothers and other families with children has widened and the risk of poverty has significantly increased .
13 As Hilary Graham pointed out in the first edition of this book :
14 Since the first edition of this volume , the government has discontinued the low-income families statistical series and substituted it with a new series showing households below average income .
15 In the first edition of this volume I pointed , optimistically , to some signs that this situation was changing slowly with , for example , the establishment of the Older Feminists Network in 1982 and the recent Age Concern/EOC joint initiative on incomes in old age .
16 Having thus briefly examined the background against which the enormous post-war growth in higher education has taken place , we will now examine in detail those developments which have occurred in the three years that have elapsed since the first edition of this book appeared in 1979 .
17 We described its development at length in the first edition of this book and the past three years have witnessed a slow but steady increase in provision .
18 As we have attempted in our previous books on further education succinctly to summarize the chief characteristics of the polytechnics , we intend therefore to restrict ourselves to a discussion of the ways in which they have developed in the three years since the first edition of this book was written .
19 A case in point , which we discussed at length in the first edition of this book , is Teesside Polytechnic where the CNAA 's 1978 quinquennial review led to the most critical report ever issued by the CNAA on an institution : among other things , it criticized the local authority for its inadequate support for the polytechnic and the director for a failure in internal management .
20 In the first edition of this book , we drew attention to the growing influence of the Manpower Services Commission , through its committee for Wales , over the provision of vocational training in the Principality including the initiation of such developments as the establishment of workshops like those in Clwyd , operating under the aegis of the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education .
21 In the first edition of this book we described at length the reactions evoked by the Report , its strengths and weaknesses as we saw them , and the developments that occurred in the year or so following the publication of Circular 11/77 .
22 Since the publication of the first edition of this book , I have seen a remarkably similar rock of the same age — the Cupido Limestone — dominating the Mesozoic scenery in north-east Mexico .
23 Since the first edition of this book my Own views have inclined more and more towards major transgressions and regressions as the main cause of organic evolution and extinction .
24 Even as I wrote the final corrections to the first edition of this text in January 1973 , a splendid , though destructive new tear had Opened across the island of Heimaey , south of Iceland , and new oceanic crust was being formed .
25 The outcome of this process , which I indicated as a possible development in the first edition of this book , is the pre-eminence in the present-day labour movement of social democratic parties ; that is to say , of parties which are themselves coalitions of diverse groups and intellectual tendencies , rather than centralized , monolithic organizations held together by strict discipline and an authoritatively interpreted ideology .
26 The consequences of such a reduction in the level of armaments ( and more generally of ‘ military preparedness ’ ) are considerable , for as I noted in the first edition of this book , if there is any generalization about the causes of war which is supported by some empirical evidence , it seems to be that which establishes a connection between an arms race and an increased probability of war ( Richardson , 1960 ) .
27 We are pleased to state that since the appearance of the first edition of this book the Court of Appeal has at last seen sense in its approach to construction in cases involving general medical practitioners : see Clarke v Newland [ 1991 ] 1 All ER 397 .
28 Since the first edition of this book both the Matrimonial Homes ( Co-ownership ) Bill introduced in the House of Lords in 1980 ( which would have made provision for statutory co-ownership of the matrimonial home ) and the Land Registration of Law of Property Bill ( affecting the practice that has grown up following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland ) [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) have failed .
29 The first edition of this book assumed a conveyance or transfer of the matrimonial home following a court order or agreement in matrimonial proceedings .
30 Since the first edition of this book was written , there has been a general recognition of the strategic role of public relations ; no longer is it viewed as a means of ‘ covering up ’ when something has gone wrong .
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