Example sentences of "the [noun sg] carry [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 When survey data are coded and punched for analysis by computer it is all too easy to ask the computer to carry out a range of cross-tabulations of one factor by another .
2 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
3 A SENIOR consultant admitted yesterday that the decision to carry out a Caesarian section on an expectant mother was left too late .
4 The decision to carry out a Caesarian section should perhaps have been taken after the 4.30pm examination when the heartbeat was known to have decelerated , he said .
5 II , p. 258 ) — in other words mothers should have the wherewithal to carry out a household chore .
6 Your constituent may also be aware that the Department carried out a review into arrangements for the reporting and recording of archaeological finds and issued a consultation paper in 1988 .
7 To remedy this , the research carries out a district level approach , which will permit use of a wide range of oral and written sources .
8 This may require the exchange to carry out a balancing act between competing interests .
9 The next step involves staff learning complex commands to tell the machine to carry out a sequence of tasks .
10 The committee carried out a range of fascinating research and confirmed what the public knew already , namely that the ham sandwiches available in motorway cafeterias had a tendency to be ‘ thin , tasteless ham in soggy bread ’ .
11 When the team carried out a survey of clients ' needs , the most common request was for translating and interpreting services .
12 This study confirms the need to carry out a follow-through of all persons arrested and not look simply at discrete ‘ moments ’ in the process .
13 Norman Fowler , Secretary of State for Employment , is planning to couple announcements about further trade union legislation in the next session of Parliament with an attack on Labour 's plans for restoring rights to trade unions , including the right to carry out a form of secondary , ‘ sympathy' action .
14 The right to carry out a royalty examination of a record or publishing company should be set out in the recording or publishing contract .
15 There 's no excuse for that and if we 're er having as one of our major platforms of our business initiative 's quality , then er the quality must be right one hundred per cent all the time er so I was somewhat bothered that we were an an disappointed I suppose that we did n't get high ratings in the quality control reviews which were carried out , so to that end we were make make sure the next time we came round with a better score er so er we are looking at what 's called hot reviews which is looking at er an audit for example before it 's finalised by somebody completely independent of the job carrying out a technical review of the way in which tha that audit has been conducted er we are looking at it after the jobs been finished and probably in the slack season in the summer get people to actually review as if they were doing a dry quality control review of the job er prior to us getting an external review er carried out .
16 The OCU carries out a mass start-up for its move from Cottesmore to Marham .
17 The de Vitto report on the social charter action programme called for the commission to carry out a survey into legislation and practices that discriminated on the grounds of age and to take measures to guarantee equal treatment for elderly people .
18 During this period the Commission carries out a detailed appraisal of the merger .
19 The CBF wants the Government to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the impact of oil prospecting in and around Cardigan Bay before any new licenses are issued .
20 The government carried out a wide-ranging shake-up of the management of 11 of the country 's leading banks in July 1990 .
21 About two years ago , the firm carried out a customer satisfaction survey which highlighted the need for a more structured approach to client care .
22 The army carried out a controlled explosion on the car but it was found to contain no explosives .
23 The organization carried out a bank robbery in Castellón on July 12 which was thought to have provided it with the means to launch a new offensive , and was held responsible for wounding two Army officers in Madrid on Dec. 13 and Valencia on Dec. 15 , for killing a police officer in Barcelona on Dec. 18 and for killing two Civil Guards in Gijón , northern Spain , on Dec. 28 .
24 I 'll come and pick you up , ’ I said , not out of courtesy , but because Purvis did n't look as though he had the strength to carry even a dozen records .
25 The press carried out a smear campaign against the market women , claiming they were armed terrorists .
26 The unit carried out a survey of 21 authorities across the country , including some in the North-East , for its report .
27 The ability to carry out a good assessment requires the combination of a number of personal skills , and the active use of a large body of knowledge .
28 The new BARB service offers the agency the ability to carry out a very wide range of detailed analysis — arguably to the point where the analyst becomes totally overloaded with data .
29 The name of the individual carrying on a business as a sole trader .
30 He faced a prison sentence , and in his eagerness to keep his client out of prison , defending QC Mr Christmas Humphreys claimed that Trevor had been overworking and was drinking ‘ to give him the energy to carry on a task that was almost more than he could bear ’ .
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