Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] [prep] front " in BNC.

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1 It is not difficult to expose the board back to front !
2 Roman put the milk jug in front of her , his fingers slipped and the milk spilt all over the table .
3 Walks on the beach were impossible because the Army had covered the sands with barbed wire and netting and on the couple 's first night the skating rink in front of the Grand Hotel was burned down .
4 Thérèse folded her tea-towel and hung it on the silver bar in front of the range .
5 Here , the joints and small faults are of very great significance in allowing the ingress of the sea and in affecting the detailed form of the cliff and the rock platform in front of the cliff ( Plates 24 and 25 ) .
6 A large hole had appeared in the Plexiglass right in front of Ed , and he was struck in the chest .
7 Reaching out , he took two of the scented sticks from the porcelain jar in front of him and held them in the thread of laser light until they lit .
8 Her mother had bathed her in the tin bath in front of the kitchen fire , had dried her and sat her down before the fire with a bowl of steaming hot broth .
9 My father sits in the living room in front of the television , my brothers in the dining room in silence .
10 I 've got the Highway Code in front of me and it says that at 30 miles an hour the stopping distance is 75 foot .
11 Bracing herself against the movement of the boat , she clutched the crash bar in front of the cooker with one hand and pressed the other to her face .
12 Yes , the first goal in the fourth round of the F A Cup was scored at Millwall when Stevenson put the home side in front after just one minute of their tie with Sheffield Wednesday ; Ron Atkinson 's side hit back to equalise after twelve minutes .
13 Philip Knell struck twice in two minutes shortly after half-time to save the Blues ' blushes after Ultan McCabe had put the home team in front .
14 Put the ironing board in front .
15 With the law book in front of you , you look to see how your client can declare taxable income in the most efficient way while always keeping within the law . ’
16 On the village green in front of the Chinese Buddhist temple a fair-ground was being erected .
17 Owen sat on a chair in the cramped little office and made the boy stand in front of him .
18 Why was n't he in the Lady Chapel in front of the Blessed Sacrament ?
19 right left and centre of the shop floor in front of everyone they are getting stuff out .
20 For his last session , which was about cannabis , the sergeant brought along a whacking great sample of the stuff which he placed on the lecture bench in front of him .
21 The Bishop began to tidy up the parchment rolls in front of him so Corbett , tired of the farce , rose and refilled his goblet .
22 A doorman waves the room keys in front of our faces .
23 When a worker bee arrives back in the hive after visiting a newly opened honey-laden flower , it performs a special dance on the landing platform in front of the entrance to the colony .
24 As they left the turn the French paddled off at a tangent and tried to run the Romanians into the landing pontoon in front of all the VIPs .
25 A woman of about 30 lurched out of the Post Office in front of us and staggered down the road a few steps before falling — her exposed thighs and palms making a sickening ‘ slap-smack ’ sound on the pavement .
26 She stared stoically at the tapestry wall-hanging in front of her .
27 Azmaveth did not argue but knelt down on the floor by the bed and laid out the silk square in front of her .
28 Victor 's face as the match flares in front of it has the rapt attention of a man lighting a fuse .
29 In the wicker chair in front of the stove it was warm , comfortable and relaxing .
30 Cinzia brought them both large measures of whisky and sat down astride the wicker chair in front of the writing desk , facing him over the ridged wooden back .
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