Example sentences of "the [noun] stood [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A quiet street and the beard stood in the shade of an apartment block doorway .
2 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
3 In their studios the canvases stood on the floors , on the chairs and other pieces of furniture , or hung high on the walls .
4 The statue stood at the centre of the Hall of Celestial Destinies in Nantes spaceport , the huge , bronze figures raised high above the executive-class travellers who bustled like ants about its base .
5 ‘ As the rules stood at the time , the League had no choice but to order the game to be replayed over a full 90 minutes .
6 ‘ Come along , Emily , dear , ’ Aunt Sophie was at her side , catching her arm , leading her back into the centre of the room where the vicar stood over the coffin , ready to pay his last respects to Thomas Grenfell .
7 Unusually the driver stood in the centre of the platform , framed by the staircases , and peering round the windscreen , which was later removed .
8 The cabin stood in the centre .
9 The stranger stood in the Fournier 's drawing-room in a simple white dress and some jewellery .
10 The ambulance stood in the road .
11 For his part , the President stood with the rest of the politburo on the mausoleum of the man who made it all happen — Lenin — and took the salute at the military and civilian parade through Red Square .
12 The figure stood over the prostrate Doctor .
13 ‘ A lot of the kids stood on the fringe and would have like to join in , but their friends would have called them puffs .
14 They discovered the manor stood on the site of a medieval castle ‘ the lost palace ’ of Llywelyn Fawr ( Llewelyn the Great ) and his son , Llywelyn , the last Welsh prince .
15 The Feldwebel stood at the entrance to the corridor turning away people who wanted to come in .
16 The hijacker stood in the aisle and explained in Russian how his hand grenades worked , ’ Vyacheslav Babin from Tyumen told the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter in Tallinn .
17 The Indian stood in the doorway , a duffle bag looped over one shoulder , and looked at the two phones on the desk .
18 Some hearths were simply butted up against the surround , whilst in other designs , the surround stood on the hearth .
19 While the rest of the group stood around the microphone Eva was invited to move over to the corner .
20 The Robemaker stood over the remains of the boy and lifted his arms wide , so that the cloak fluttered and his arms resembled great black wings .
21 But it was Eadmer , with his keen eye for significant detail , who noted two points omitted by Osbern : he observed that , as the monks stood round the sufferer , each of the two groups spoke a language which the other could not understand ; and also he remarked that things went more smoothly after this event .
22 The rest stood round the outskirts of the lawn , poised to catch .
23 Conversely slave-owners and self-lords on the whole stood by the system because it seemed to them the very foundation of their society and their class .
24 The lecturer stood between the table and the wall — the worst possible position .
25 My memories of cardiac teaching rounds are of a dozen students queueing to listen to a murmur while the registrar stood at the end of the bed swinging a stethoscope and staring out of the window .
26 He turned to look back at where the doorway to the stairs stood in the gloom .
27 The barrel stood beside the cauldron — a good measure of its fiery contents had already disappeared into the seething pot together with some peppermint herbs , firebalm , and certain other ingredients gathered by Gambo early that morning ( a good cook has his secrets , and Gambo had more than most ) .
28 The woman stood on the grey carpet .
29 The woman stood in the hallway for a moment like a blind person unsure of her direction .
30 As the train stood on the platform we did not know if we would ever board it .
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