Example sentences of "the [noun] have been concerned " in BNC.

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1 The board has been concerned for some years about the possible impact of excessive dependence on coal — used for 80 per cent of electricity currently generated — if developments in the domestic or international coal market push prices up rapidly .
2 For some time before Rylands v. Fletcher the courts had been concerned with the extent of a person 's liability for the escape of an accumulation of water from his land during the normal course of mining operations .
3 The FRPB has been concerned about the water quality of the River Almond ( Class 3/4 ) for some time and in June 1988 a River Almond Model Study Group was set up to monitor the deteriorating river quality .
4 A substantial part of the literature has been concerned with the properties of steady-state or balanced growth .
5 The chancel belonging to the rector may not be in the same style as the nave maintained by the parishioners , reflecting differences in wealth or involvement Even in those churches where the rector was a monastery , there may be a variety of interest displayed , from great ostentation where the monastery has been concerned to maintain its property , to neglect where the church is on a distant or poor estate , or where the monastery itself was poor .
6 Moreover , much of the work has been concerned with the analysis of the spectra and the interpretation of the parameters obtained in terms of theory ; though this is an essential part of understanding of the chemistry of transition metals , it is less directly related to determining the structures of their compounds .
7 From the beginning , indeed , the CNAA had been concerned with the college as a whole , though there were no specific powers in the Charter to oblige it to do so .
8 The committee has been concerned by the high numbers of planning applications granted by six Welsh councils in defiance of published development plans .
9 However , a paper read at the International Bar Asssociation meeting in the summer by the Spanish lawyer on the Thyssen Foundation 's board , Rodrigo Uria , and Richard Turnor , of the firm of Allen and Overy acting for Baron Thyssen , reveals that the Baron has been concerned to keep his options open : not a single work of art was sent into Spain until it had already been granted its export licence out of Spain .
10 The Conservatives have been concerned about what they have regarded as bias , especially left-wing bias , in the way issues have been presented to pupils by some teachers .
11 During Hart 's time the responsibilities of the customs had been concerned only with the collection of duties and the prevention of smuggling ; Chinese officials were responsible for banking the revenue and for its use in the service of loans and other financial obligations to foreign governments for which it was security .
12 Where the fund of damages is likely to be substantial , including future nursing costs and the like as well as loss of earnings , an accountant 's evidence can help the court to decide the multiplier , as well as the multiplicand , for example in the case of a one-man business where the accountant has been concerned with the accounts over a number of years and is in a position to give an expert opinion as to the future prospects of the business .
13 According to one of its members , James Tyrrell , the group had been concerned with the ‘ principles of morality and revealed religion ’ .
14 Many of the studies have been concerned with specific and small samples and consequently there is the possibility that this could have distorted the findings .
15 In all these cases the court has been concerned to ensure that these fundamental requirements are met in the way in which , particularly in the case of the county courts , they are intended to be and should be met .
16 Since its report on the problem in July 1989 , the commission has been concerned that the gene pool and ecosystem may be irrevocably changed should man-made mutants escape into the environment .
17 Lawyers and sections of the media have been concerned that the plastic sheet prevents electronic document analysis ( Esda ) , which has been used to correct a number of miscarriages of justice — including wrongful convictions of the Birmingham Six , Guildford Four and Tottenham Three .
18 The ARFU has been concerned at the falling standard of sevens , particularly with the World Cup Sevens to be played in April next year at Murrayfield .
19 So far as education is concerned , it is known that the government has been concerned for some time about an alleged willingness on the part of some teachers to bring the question of homosexuality out into the open in a way that seeks to normalise it as a form of human relationship .
20 The families and the professionals have been concerned with the care of children and with negotiating the criteria that govern state intervention in that care .
21 So far , even though we have kept an eye on the question of political authority , the discussion has been concerned with the wider notion of authority in general .
22 I think it 's very interesting since half the century has been concerned with this question of objects .
23 The USA had been concerned over Israeli arms dealing with South Africa , China and a number of Latin American countries .
24 The timeliness of the Minor award in these terms was noted by the head of history : The project came along at the time when we were thinking about cross-curricular developments anyway , and the school had been concerned about the particular pattern of study skills and how they could be extended and coordinated .
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