Example sentences of "'s decision [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Labour 's decision to vote against the Government provoked a slanging match between all three major parties .
2 PRESIDENT REAGAN 'S decision to sell off the United States 's weather satellites , which was announced last week , has thrown the world 's meteorological community into confusion .
3 It is not hard , however , to make a strong case for the view that unrest in a particular part of the empire in 1858 loomed large in the regime 's decision to opt for the version of emancipation which gave peasants land .
4 Ruskin Spear , on the other hand , thought Minton 's decision to paint in the life room a mistake .
5 BASIC DATA Controlled by Spain since the 19th century , Western Sahara was divided between Morocco and Mauritania under the tripartite Madrid agreement of 1975 following Spain 's decision to withdraw from the territory ( see pp. 27575-77 ) .
6 On June 24 a group of seven reformers — including Damanaki , who had resisted Papariga 's decision to withdraw from the Alliance — had been suspended from the KKE 's central committee .
7 The government 's decision to withdraw from the contract was felt to be a major reason behind his departure .
8 The British Government said yesterday it was deeply concerned at North Korea 's decision to withdraw from the treaty , saying the move cast doubt on Pyongyang 's long-term nuclear intentions .
9 The other is that Mr Rabin 's decision to seal off the occupied territories — the closure is now in its second month — has made most Israelis feel a lot safer , and some of them a lot happier about giving up the territories altogether .
10 But Laird 's trade unionists are still bitter about the council 's decision to object to the proposed Point of Ayr gas terminal the development that could offer a lifeline to the yard if it wins approval .
11 The biggest change that the end user may find , other than the obvious alterations to the program , is that Letraset are now Adobe 's primary distributor for Europe following McQueen 's decision to move into the manufacturing and acquisition of software rather than its distribution .
12 Keith Cardwell 's decision to move from the world of commercial photography into the more demanding , and typically less lucrative , area of documentary photography can be almost directly attributed to a TV series , a BBC 1 documentary called The Family .
13 In Re Friends of the Earth the applicants sought review of Minister 's decision to consent to the construction of Sizewell B nuclear generating plant .
14 The argument was over Zack 's decision to close with the negotiator called Quinn and have done with the whole thing at two million dollars ransom .
15 All of which suggests that the government 's decision to pounce on the PAC was a reaction to threat and counter-threat rather than a conspiracy to undermine Mr de Klerk 's own negotiations .
16 Faced with the intense competition of foreign trade competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
17 The wartime machinery of industrial relations still survived — particularly the Whitley Councils which had been competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
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