Example sentences of "she sat at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Brushing her hair back , she sat at the desk , trying to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order .
2 With a brief wave Lindsey hurried along the corridor towards the consulting-room , where she sat at the desk , taking several deep breaths to compose herself before calling for her first patient .
3 The farm workers took their seats , and she sat at the top of the table , so that she was with them , but a little apart .
4 She sat at the edge of the cockpit , curled her legs into the warm shelter of the jacket , then hunched down into the thick collar so that all I could see of her face was her enormous , moon-silvered and lemur-like eyes beneath the pale gleam of her short bright hair .
5 She sat at the foot of the bed , and appraised his muscular young body .
6 She sat at the breakfast table , trying to calm her nerves , and eventually she drew the envelope from her housecoat pocket and opened it , reading the words that were written inside , and feeling the blood drain from her face .
7 She sat at the breakfast bar and lit herself a cigarette .
8 For a long time she sat at the breakfast bar , gazing into space , searching for answers and finding none .
9 After making the tea she sat at the kitchen table to drink it , and was still sitting there when dawn broke .
10 She sat at the window , looking out on the gardens , not wanting to be reminded of her ordeal as her two companions searched for any clues that might have been left .
11 The words stuck in Folly 's mind , coming back to her next morning as she sat at the Rose Bowl 's work-table , preparing roses for conditioning by crushing the tips of their stems with a heavy mallet .
12 When he had left Merrill breathed a sigh of relief , but as she sat at the dressing-table removing her make-up something inside her wept .
13 She sat at the front during seminars and posed questions to our tutor that were more like statements .
14 They suggested she sat at the front of the class , and her bright hand shot up to answer every question .
15 She sat at the table with a shrug , the green eyes troubled .
16 She sat at the table and painstakingly wrote down the sums of money that should have come in for the work already done .
17 She sat at the table , picked up one of the pens , and began work .
18 She sat at the table and counted what she had left .
19 She did n't know how long she sat at the table , letting her coffee go cold .
20 She sat at the table , eating bread and butter .
21 Well , that makes two of us , Hilary thought with a little smile as she sat at the table .
22 He grabbed her , reaching over to where she sat at the end of the sofa , turning her roughly by the arm so that she had to face him , had to look deep into his angry , ice-blue eyes .
23 Afraid that at any moment someone would shout ‘ Grab her ! ’ and drag her off to some unspecified yet ineluctable torment , she forced herself at least to look calm while she sat at the console on the dais .
24 She sat at the side of the room , white with fear .
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