Example sentences of "by the first [noun sg] war " in BNC.

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1 It would appear that there was some increase in the marriage rates among those in their early twenties during the early 1920s , perhaps because of the delays caused by the First World War , and after 1934 , when the domestic economy began to revive from the worst excesses of the slump .
2 His ‘ fascist ’ ideas had first been shaped by the First World War , which he felt Britain should not have entered .
3 By the First World War it was C.T .
4 Only in the United States and in Britain was there no element of state control by the First World War .
5 By the First World War both the Canadian Northern and the GTP , shackled with loss-making mountain railroads , were in deep financial difficulties .
6 Lenin was very conscious of Marx 's warning that each war contains within it the seeds of a fresh war , an observation amply born out by the conflicts between France and Prussia-Germany in Marx 's lifetime and in Lenin 's time by the First World War .
7 Rather more ideologically committed to a new form of politics were those for whom anti-semitism was seen as the reason for the changes in British and European society engendered by the first World War .
8 Fascism resulted from the frustration with , and alienation from , a system in which politicians were obsessed with the conventions of party politics to the detriment of the need for radical change ( highlighted by the First World War ) ; and radical change was vital if Britain 's accelerated economic and political decline was to be reversed .
9 The fact that Mosley was turned into a reforming politician by the First World War highlighted his dilemma .
10 British fascism originated in several distinct and contradictory reaction to the long-term decline of Britain and the dislocation caused by the First World War .
11 In the twenties , both in England and in America , we have a situation in which the infant and child mortality rates are fast declining , mainly owing to new advances in medical knowledge ; at the same time , the world 's values have been shaken by the First World War , writers and journalists have both more freedom and more inclination than ever before to discuss religion from an agnostic point of view , and the vengeful God of heaven and hell no longer impresses in quite the old way .
12 From this grim situation the party was saved by the First World War .
13 but a large group in the party were scarred by the First World War for the rest of their lives .
14 And despite massive obstacles — the destruction caused by the First World War , the ravages of a civil war brought on by the support that foreign capitalists lent the savage counter-revolutionary efforts of Russia 's defeated classes , international isolation in the inter-war period , the appalling destruction wrought by Hitler 's rapacious invasion , the sustained hostility of the capitalist West — a socialist society was built .
15 By the First World War , musical production and dissemination are coming to be concentrated in a new alliance consisting of a centralized publishing system ( in New York 's Tin Pan Alley and London 's Denmark Street ) , the quickly developing gramophone companies ( by 1910 dominated , world-wide , by Victor of the USA and the Gramophone Co. of Britain ) and , a little later , the new medium of radio ; by the late 1920s , we can add the movie industry as well .
16 Born in Slovenia , Bratina trained with the Austrian Olympic gymnastic team before the 1914 games were cancelled by the First World War .
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