Example sentences of "this [noun] [adv prt] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 For each day there is a diet sheet , more interesting key facts , and a weight and symptom chart for your to complete as you did for Stage I. It is vital that you keep this chart up to date : you will undoubtedly need to refer back at some point during the next few weeks , so the records are nothing short of vital !
2 You will be expected to keep this knowledge up to date , to make the time to look at studio representatives ' portfolios of illustrators , story board artists or photographers .
3 I have done hardly any work , except keep this Diary up to date for a week , which is something of a record for me !
4 I felt once again the working class in this country has been let down , but I am aware that the Treaty has gone through the Commons , making this motion out of date .
5 Adrian Sinfield has brought this analysis up to date by using data from the General Household Survey for 1975–7 and 1984 to measure the proportion of different social groups experiencing unemployment ( Press notice , 30 March 1987 ) .
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