Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [art] [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 Although by the turn of the century most of the food adulteration that had characterised the nineteenth century grocery trade had disappeared , customers were still cheated by unscrupulous retailers who gave short weight by including an excessive amount of packaging around products such as tea .
2 One possibility is to ignore the part of the award of damages which exceeds the amount exempt from tax under the ‘ golden handshake ’ rules , for instance by expressing the exempt amount ( currently £30,000 ) as an annual income over the unexpired period of the contract , estimating what the tax would be on that imaginary income and deducting that tax from the total compensation .
3 A voltage-operated channel ( VOC ) responds to V by gating a small amount of trigger calcium , which then activates the RYR to release stored calcium .
4 By adding a small amount of liquid soap to the water as you mix , it acquires a better texture , allowing it to be manipulation more easily . ,
5 They have too low a melting point and are too unstable , but they can be ‘ stiffened ’ by adding a moderate amount of lime to produce a modest increase in melting temperature .
6 Well that was the , the erm union for us , erm I think erm one of the great assets of being in public transport was that we were in a local erm pension scheme , erm when , when we in the office started , we had to wait until we were eighteen and then we had to wait for a vacancy because there was a limited number of people that the Council were prepared to back by paying a similar amount .
7 Quite simply a return can be made by paying a lesser amount today for the bill than will be repaid at maturity , 91 days in the future .
8 The next level up is the Mach 2 , which builds on the Mach 1 by doubling the basic amount of logic with the same pin-count , and with an additional buried macrocell added for each output .
9 However , one can increase one 's chances of detecting a decay by observing a large amount of matter containing a very large number of protons .
10 Unfortunately this has rebounded on local authorities since , operating under the principle of he who pays the piper calls the tune , Central Government has been able to impose severe restrictions on local authority spending , not only by curbing the total amount of the grant , but also by penalising local authorities who exceed targets imposed by the Central Government .
11 Corals which are collected by taking a reasonable amount of rock with them have a much better chance of being undamaged than those which are prised off the substrate .
12 Imagineers are dedicated to maintaining the fantasy element of architectural experience by employing a kind of pixie dust that includes reducing — or increasing — the scale of buildings ( as in movie cartoons ) to give a feeling of make-believe , and by dribbling a large amount of twinkling , carnival-like lighting throughout .
13 In other words , readers will only derive more or less enjoyment by putting the same amount of effort into reading ; and readers think that the author is unconcerned with readerly responses to the text .
14 A professional finish is achieved in part by showing a minimum amount of stitching on the right side of the fabric .
15 This figure is known as the ‘ unit cost ’ , and is arrived at simply by dividing the total amount spent on a service ( e.g. nursery schools ) by the number of children using it ( expressed as ‘ full-time equivalents ’ , so that two part-time children would count as one full-time equivalent ) .
16 It is where you are able to do a competent presentation but only by investing an enormous amount of conscious effort into every aspect .
17 Occam gives extra scope for this because it is a parallel language : one can improve a program not only by reducing the overall amount of calculation , but also by configuring it for the ( possibly parallel ) machine on which it is to be run .
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