Example sentences of "by [art] [noun] [noun pl] committee " in BNC.

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1 It was ruled out of order by the Standing Orders Committee as it fell foul of rule A three , the subject was within the remit of Congress .
2 The Glasgow " rent strikes " of 1916 , the engineers ' strikes led by the Clyde Workers Committee and the political agitations of John Maclean marked a growing radicalism in Scotland which was largely outside established parties , although it was a major factor in the electoral sweep of Glasgow seats for Labour and the ILP in 1922 .
3 Looking to the medium term , a key consultation paper was published by the Race Relations Committee , proposing a series of anti-discrimination and equal opportunities measures for all firms .
4 The Auditing Standards and Guidelines , which are developed by the Auditing Practices Committee ( a committee of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies ) , prescribe the principles and practices which members of the relevant accountancy bodies in the UK are expected to follow in the conduct of an audit .
5 Erm , the , all the arguments for and against organic dips have been considered this last nine months by the Veterinary Products Committee , and they 've come out with a report I think , that satisfies no one , because it does n't go either , either way in that respect at all , it 's called for more research and , and erm , development in that , in that sense .
6 Labour Party say they want to tackle crime in and we have , and I hope we will debate later on this agenda , the situation where a Labour Chairman of the Police Complaints Committee turns up a public meeting urging er law- breaking and support for people who are not actually gone to trial an a the circumstances of the events really does not concern us but it 's the fact that leaflets are now circularising this city , printed by our old friends , the resource centre , urging people to join the Defence Committee , which is supported by the University Labour Party , is supported by the West Labour Party and is supported by the Police Complaints Committee no less .
7 Skipbridge Village was rejected by the policy resources committee because it was contrary to planning policies .
8 A general inspector of the Ministry of Health paid a visit to the hospital and submitted his report which was considered by the Area Guardians Committee in December 1945 :
9 The Serious Fraud Office ( SFO ) was set up under the 1987 Criminal Justice Act in response to a report by the Fraud Trials Committee formed in 1983 as a result of dissatisfaction with the ability of the City of London Fraud Squad to get convictions .
10 The next step is to furnish a first draft of the proposed order and to settle the draft in due course , and in drawing the order the agent has particular regard to the value of precedents and a number of model clauses promulgated by the model clauses committee in parliament .
11 The Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 9 : Stocks and Work in Progress ( commonly known as SSAP9 ) was issued in May 1975 , and revised in August 1980 , by the Accounting Standards Committee of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies , CCAB Limited .
12 The accounts also have to be prepared in line with the accepted practice within the accounting profession , as laid down in a series of Statements of Standard Accounting Practice ( SSAPs ) issued by the Accounting Standards Committee .
13 SSAPs and SORPs are developed by the Accounting Standards Committee of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies ( CCAB ) and are issued by the governing bodies of the accountancy profession .
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