Example sentences of "at the [adj] [noun sg] conference " in BNC.

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1 The move , announced at a birds of a feather session at the recent Usenix conference in San Antonio , Texas , marks the end of one of the most influential strands in the development of Unix technology over the years .
2 Holding the same price as earlier models , the new Auspex NS 5550 , shown at the recent Interop conference in Washington DC , doubles the throughput of the older NS 5000 .
3 It was vital that the Community compose itself in order to present a united front at the Second World Conference on Climate Change to be held in Geneva , where world levels for carbon dioxide emissions are to be discussed .
4 Letter : Policy and politics at the Labour Party Conference
5 Letter : Policy and politics at the Labour Party Conference
6 Letter : Policy and politics at the Labour Party Conference
7 Letter : Policy and politics at the Labour Party Conference
8 NEIL KINNOCK 'S speech at the Labour Party conference tomorrow will be the most important he has ever made .
9 Neil Kinnock has again declined an invitation to brief the media 's industry hacks at the Labour party conference .
10 During a debate on the dispute at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton yesterday , Steve Gazzard , an ambulance worker , said that by allowing arbitration , ministers would then ‘ repay their debt ’ to ambulancemen called in after the bombing during the Tory party conference which was held in the town in 1984 .
11 Jack Straw , Labour 's shadow education secretary said yesterday at the Labour Party conference that the news to abandon further CTCs marked ‘ the death of an expensive corrupt fiasco , which has already cost the taxpayer millions ’ .
12 At the Labour Party Conference of 1957 , it was generally accepted that to give up the independent nuclear deterrent would disable a future Labour government from pursuing a foreign policy not approved by Washington .
13 His anxiety for equal terms in the nuclear club was echoed a few months later by , of all people , Aneurin Bevan , who urged his fellow left-wingers at the Labour Party conference not to vote for Britain to give up nuclear arms with the famous plea : ‘ Do not send the British Foreign Minister naked into the international conference chamber ! ’
14 At the Labour party Conference in late January Henderson successfully resisted pressure for the withdrawal of Labour Ministers from the Coalition .
15 A leading argument deployed by the ILP and its supporters at the Labour Party conference was that only by quitting the Government could the Labour Party hope to retain its authority with ‘ the men in the workshops ’ and thus avert ‘ the terrible danger of insurrection . ’
16 Even so , calls for a general strike to force the Government to end all support for intervention were heavily defeated at the Labour Party Conference in June .
17 At the Labour Party Conference in Hastings that autumn , a resolution committing the party to a policy of war resistance — including the general strike — went through unopposed .
18 Despite an outcry from local Labour Parties , the leadership easily won the day at the Labour Party conference at Southport in June .
19 At the Labour Party Conference in May 1942 the dissidents were narrowly defeated .
20 To embody this revolt of the young against the old , Mosley founded his New Party , encouraged by the triumph of his appearance at the Labour Party Conference in 1930 , after his resignation from office .
21 They were at the Labour Party conference together last year and that 's when it began .
22 In that same year , on behalf of the union , I went to the rostrum at the Labour Party Conference , to move a resolution calling for the end of the block vote .
23 That policy would destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs in defence industries , including many in my constituency , yet it has been endorsed on no fewer than three occasions by large majorities at the Labour party conference .
24 Right , now will let m l Let me ask you where you are going then as far as the Party 's own constitution is concerned , we saw a development , a significant development that I no doubt you would say at the Labour Party conference er er down in Brighton , but not withstanding O M O B the trade unions still have one third of the votes in the selection of the leader of the party , seventy percent say on policy matters at conference , there is still a trade union block vote .
25 In 1942 at the Labour Party Conference they adopted a motion moved by that gave , and I quote , the right to all forms of medical attention and treatment to a National Health Service .
26 And and it is also perhaps distracted er attention from the interesting disagreements also taking place at the Labour party conference this week between the one more pushes , if I might describe them and the hard liners who believe you 've got to be radical .
27 Through the TGWU , Ernest Bevin became the leading figure at the Labour Party Conference , using his influence increasingly against the Communists and the Left and in favour of rearmament against Germany .
28 The move has been welcomed by campaigners at the Labour Party Conference , which ends tomorrow .
29 I hope that Gordon Brown will address it very strongly at the Labour Party conference .
30 And having saved John Smith 's skin at the Labour party Conference , with his rumbustious performance in the one member , one vote debate , Mr Prescot knew he was in a position to call in his debts .
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