Example sentences of "do you ever [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Erm did you ever face any racial conflicts here in Caldmore when you came ?
2 ‘ I know you do n't like homeless people being stereotyped as a bunch of alcoholics , ’ she began , ‘ but did you ever meet any of the real meths drinkers ? ’
3 Did you ever meet either of these men ? ’
4 Oh that 's Did you ever have many sort of musicians at all in in in those days ?
5 What about farmers unions , did you ever have that conditions that you were working in .
6 Did you ever have any problem with a piece I painted ? ’
7 Did you ever have any accidents ?
8 Did you ever have any of the bacon ?
9 Did you ever play that part ?
10 did you ever raise with him back in January nineteen eighty eight something that you and Mr had both raised before , namely that what goes into the brochure is not to be relied on you 've got to look at the solicitors correspondence , to interpret what is in the brochure , did you ? , did you ever raise that with Mr the solicitor 's correspondence ?
11 well the questions a very simple one , back in January nineteen eighty eight , on any occasion you spoke to Mr either before or after the first article did you ever raise this question with the solicitors letter ?
12 ‘ Well … did you ever arm these people ? ’
13 I know that was you but y you do n't , I mean I remember u the fire we used to have here and it was n't till I gave it to a friend , I mean we kept here for a year alright , lucky enough , we did n't use it anyway I gave to a friend who doing car boot , I found it in the attic an he said to me Brenda , he said , did you ever use this fire ?
14 Did you ever hear that ? ’
15 Thran did you ever hear that one ?
16 Did you ever hear such awful tommyrot in your life ?
17 Did you have any writing ability , and did you ever get any chance to write songs for Elvis ?
18 Did you ever get any feeling of sort of distaste from anybody about about y your mother leaving home ?
19 Did you ever get any let up from that though ?
20 Did you ever get any cargoes that split or broken ?
21 Er , any pe , people who 've been in business know , what was it , did you ever get any management consultants in ?
22 Did you ever know that ?
23 Harry turned quickly to Joe and cried excitedly , ‘ Did you ever know such a brother as mine , spending his money on something he hates ! ’
24 Did you ever know any doctor who could do anything about that ? ’
25 God , O God , did you ever see such people ! ’
26 Did you ever see such a mess ! ’
27 She whispered to her husband , as Marion stooped gracefully into the hut , ‘ Did you ever see such beauty ?
28 And did you ever see such a bonny piece ?
29 LADY JONES : Did you ever see such excellence , prudence and discretion ?
30 ‘ Just look at the brilliance of that yellow forsythia — and did you ever see such a border of anemones ? ’
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