Example sentences of "do you [adv] think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 D' you really think me legs are pretty ? ’
2 D' you really think I 'm not ?
3 I was seventy-five years old , you daft bugger , d' you seriously think it was your fault , just because you got your leg over some Judy ?
4 Did you really think you could keep it to yourself ?
5 Did you really think I was shouting about them ?
6 Did you really think I might have forgotten ?
7 Did you really think I would leave you to face her alone ? ’
8 Did you really think I 'd break my promise ? ’
9 Did you really think there was a nightingale
10 Did you really think it was all right , Prue ?
11 But before that before the sell out concert tour in Ireland , did you ever think I wonder what they 'll think of us back home I wonder if we 'll still do it ?
12 Did you ever think it was unfair that you had to work so hard for so little money ?
13 As time passed did you ever think you 'd catch anyone for this particular crime ?
14 Or did you always think they had been ?
15 Do you honestly think I could get away with it ? ’
16 Do you honestly think your company 's so scintillating that I want to spend still more time in it ? ’
17 ‘ Who do you fucking think you are ?
18 ‘ I know your opinion of me is less than nothing , but do you truly think your cousin would continue to be my — er — lover , now that he knows I 'm engaged to you ? ’
19 Do you really think we can disappear into the blue ? ’
20 " Do you really think we will ? " asked Dandelion .
21 ‘ They say the Robemaker uses human fuel , ’ said Caspar , half to himself , and then , ‘ Fenella , do you really think we ought to be doing this ?
22 Do you really think they 'll close down your old college ? ’
23 Do you really think they 'll follow us ? ’
24 Do you really think they would have believed a story like that ?
25 Do you really think she 's short of money , Buzz ?
26 Rosheen asked , ‘ Do you really think she 's stable enough ?
27 Do you really think there is room to overtake just there ?
28 The booth they sat in was quite private and as they finished the meal Schellenberg said , ‘ Do you really think it is possible , this thing ? ’
29 Do you really think it 's justified ?
30 ‘ About the testing — do you really think it 's necessary ? ’
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