Example sentences of "do you [adv] want to go " in BNC.

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1 Do you really want to go back and make tea ? ’
2 Do you really want to go into that now ? ’ he challenged her softly , his ironic gaze returning briefly to her party face and the shiny , streaky curls that tumbled over her brow and about her neck , just skimming her bare shoulders .
3 Juliet — ’ he came closer and looked intently into her eyes ‘ — do you really want to go to his party ? ’
4 Mentioned the D S S and I think you could 've disturbed him more , do you really want to go down there and be means tested and , and er that 'd be a , a possibility er to disturb him a wee bit more .
5 Do you actually want to go ?
6 Now — do you still want to go it alone ? ’
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