Example sentences of "do [not/n't] look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those who declared an average farm income of 20% or less obviously did not look on the off-farm job in this way .
2 He did not look on the house of Bruce as the true monarchy for the realm .
3 I did not look at the rest of it , deliberately .
4 She did not look at the old man , so she failed to see the shrewd yet kindly glance he gave her .
5 The EAT did not look at the offer of new terms in the abstract but in the light of the company 's financial difficulties .
6 He did not look at the woman who passed him in the hallway .
7 He did not look at the still bowing surveyors as he spoke , but at Alexei .
8 Cyril did not look at the cows .
9 Nicholson caught the note of sarcasm in the other man 's voice but he did not turn , did not look at the visitor .
10 They came in but did not look at the cups .
11 He did not look at the keys .
12 Coffin did not look at the severed hands , where he imagined the signs of a fight would show .
13 The hon. Member for Northampton , North ( Mr. Marlow ) has some interesting ways of looking at the problem , but he did not look at the fact that there are proven ways of taking young people who have committed offences and giving them a chance to confront their criminality .
14 We did not look at the histological correlate of the inflammatory mediators as for ethical reasons we did not perform sigmoidoscopy and rectal biopsy .
15 He did not look at the girl by his side , who was almost as tall as himself ; but he went on talking as she tapped her racquet against the netting .
16 Terry Heneaghan , Pittencrieff 's chief executive , said he did not look at the deal in terms of oil or gas production and reserves which would be acquired , but rather in terms of cash flow which could be generated for his company by rationalising operations of the two companies in parts of the US where they both have interests .
17 She did not look for the man .
18 This uninhibited tourist did not look like the Frankenstein monster whom many Americans had expected and some of them began to wonder if they had got Khrushchev and his modest and dignified wife wrong .
19 They did not look like the kind of people she usually associated with but seemed inimical , common , even savage , and with truculent , peevish faces .
20 Jahanbini did not look like the sort of gorilla who often protects important men .
21 It has been observed that two out of three fiction readers in libraries do not look at the text of a book before choosing it .
22 Donald Unwin , chief engineer at the association 's Testing and Research Laboratory , said ‘ Many manufacturers just do not look at the problem through the eyes of the Third World countries .
23 His message is : If you want to understanding knowing , remembering , hoping , and so on , do not look at whatever experiences may go with the use of the words ‘ know ’ , ‘ remember ’ , ‘ hope ’ , do not look at the phenomena ; look , instead , at the transactions of language , look at the grammar of the expressions ‘ I know ’ , ‘ I remember ’ , ‘ I hope ’ , look at what is done with these expressions .
24 If you intend to climb a mountain , you do not look at the foothills and worry ; you keep your eyes fixed on the summit , and that way , if you are very lucky and very determined , you may achieve it .
25 I do not look at the rocks and trees , I am frightened of what they see .
26 See chapter 2 and do not look on the last fortnight as the only time to work , even if it does " concentrate your mind wonderfully " .
27 The best books of today do not look in the least like Kelmscotts , but without Morris they might never have been created at all .
28 Among the ‘ lower caste ’ people , the woman 's role had always been rather different from her role in the farming castes ; now ‘ lower caste ’ women worked increasingly in the fields alongside the men and this led , according to Mamdani , to ‘ a radical change … in the attitude towards girl children … low caste families do not look upon the birth of a girl with the disfavour they used to ’ — though ‘ to a certain extent the disfavour persists because the girl will marry and emigrate precisely when she has reached the age of greatest productivity ’ .
29 He did n't look to the end of the letter first .
30 I did n't look at the denomination but there was no doubt it would have been high .
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