Example sentences of "do [pron] ever [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 Did I ever give the slightest sign … ? ’
2 He prefaced a book called Bringing Up Children In A Difficult Time with a ‘ Statement of an anti-permissive author ’ : ‘ How did I ever get the reputation of being an advocate of excessive permissiveness ? ’ he asked plaintively and disingenuously .
3 Did you ever dance the Patronella ?
4 Did you ever conduct the Leningrad Philharmonic , the orchestra Mravinsky had for fifty years ?
5 Did you ever interview the American President ? ’ she asked with a slight smile .
6 Did you ever have the tendency to objectify women , in a sexual sense , or over-romanticise women in a way that might be equally offensive to feminists ?
7 Did you ever have the feeling that you were almost more a part of management that you were a representative of the workforce ?
8 Now did you want the s did you ever have the chance to stay on at school ?
9 And did you ever use the expression , on a different subject , er a burn sticks ?
10 Did you ever hear the cellphone operators complaining that the early competition adversely affected their business ?
11 Did you ever hear the like of that ?
12 Did you ever hear the way they took the whisky to Arbroath ?
13 Did you ever hear the word stip Being used for a pole that was placed against a corn stack to keep it from
14 Did you ever see the Whalers again ? ?
15 There 's this film like you know , when it 's turn like cinema or not , Silvester Stallone , and it 's called Oscar , did you ever see the preview of that ?
16 Until that point , did you ever take the gospel seriously as ‘ good news ’ ?
17 Did you ever ring the Connons ’ house from it ? ’
18 That 's er you know h have you be Did you ever notice the old building at Forter ?
19 Did you ever notice the doctor 's cheek-bones ?
20 Do you ever do the old speed course ?
21 Do you ever feel the world is getting too interested in food ?
22 No it smells like do you ever leave the grill on ?
23 Do you ever watch the weather forecast and it says especially last or a few months ago say it 'll be minus three tonight ?
24 You should , I do you ever watch the snooker ?
25 Do you ever watch the very first series ?
26 mm , mm and do you ever read the international section ?
27 So do you ever see the town picking back up again , and getting a few more factories in the ?
28 " Do you ever get the feeling that she wants to stay with you ? "
29 Do you ever get the ‘ Invalid Media or Track 0 bad ’ message when you 're trying to reformat a floppy ?
30 What about Stenness , do you ever get the sea fish coming .
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