Example sentences of "do [pron] [adv] think that " in BNC.

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1 Did you never think that some women may not only say it but feel it ? ’
2 Do you honestly think that they did all ?
3 And do you honestly think that I normally allow females to wallop me across the face ?
4 ‘ Look , do you really think that the Senate of the University of London is going to care two hoots about a footling little first-year lecture ?
5 Do you really think that the chances of events are ruled by any far-seeing or pre-arranging intellect ?
6 Then Ruddock told me : ‘ Do you really think that after facing Tyson twice , knocking out former world champions Mike Dokes , Page and Bonecrusher Smith I 'm really gon na be frightened of Lennox Lewis ? ’
7 If so , having demonstrated such alarming traditionalism , do you really think that you are the man for the job , which requires open communication and awareness of current and future trends in British and World tennis ?
8 Do you really think that Adam … ’
9 Do you really think that by that time you will … ‘
10 He said : ‘ Do you really think that I 've waited for days and days for you to come back here , just to play bloody party games ?
11 He waited until we were browsing through the chilled fish before raising the issue : ‘ Do you really think that Old Mother Walsh 's snake is actually going to wriggle down Wimbledon High Street when the time comes ? ’
12 ‘ And do you really think that if I had taken something of your aunt 's I would be stupid enough to wear it to work ? ’
13 Do you really think that the Jolly Green Giant puts the lights on at two o'clock in the morning and gets them all to pick the corn ?
14 But I 'm sure there will be a simple explanation — ’ Concern clouded his eyes ‘ — Mr D'Arcy , do you seriously think that I could be in any danger from these people ? ’
15 Do you seriously think that if you went to a school and it was like , you know , all cosy , you know , you had dealers and were n't allowed to smoke , you were n't allowed to drink and you were n't allowed to take drugs do you seriously think anyone would go there ?
16 Do you still think that Maggie should go to England to nurse ? ’ he asked eventually .
17 At no time , not even vaguely , had such a notion occurred to her , nor did she even think that he was not as other men .
18 Yes , middle class women have done a lot for the ‘ Women 's Movement ’ but does she really think that us working class women have been sitting on our arses doing nothing all this time .
19 Does she really think that Edward Heath would have got the connivance of the Foreign Office or the government , without it being sorted out beforehand ?
20 In those circumstances , does he really think that a dying Parliament , a week after the Maastricht summit , should empower a lame-duck Prime Minister to use the royal prerogative to sign that treaty without any consultation with the British people whose rights will be affected far more than this Parliament ?
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