Example sentences of "they tell [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And it just goes on keeps going on another night another nightmare and then back to the interview room again and the tape machine again and more questions about Stromefirry-nofirry and Jersey and flights and that 's when they tell me about the other one that 's when they say oh by the way your best friend Andy is dead blown up in the hotel when it burned down ; probably beaten to death first head stoved in but of course you probably know all that because you did that too , did n't you ?
2 I 've got friends who are war correspondents and soldiers and rugger captains and they all wept buckets — if you believe what they tell you down the pub .
3 Now meditate on these words of Paul , thinking about what they tell you about the grace and love of God in your own situation or that of someone close to you .
4 Electric bite alarms are useful for night fishing , and many night anglers I know would not fish without them , and no matter what they tell you to the contrary they are mainly used to wake you up when you have a bite !
5 Erm something they tell you throughout the , it takes quite a long time .
6 Not only are the results of such ‘ on site ’ studies of immense value for what we assume they tell us about the role of our body clock in affecting mental performance , but they also serve two further roles .
7 Each of these versions has its own authenticity ; and editorial decisions are interesting in their own right ( and merit investigation ) for what they tell us about the times when they were made ( for example , the Tutuola revisions tell us about British attitudes during the 1960s to the English of non-native speakers ) .
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