Example sentences of "they tried [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the summer of 1557 , some of them tried to break the stalemate .
2 One of them tried to jump the ditch and landed on Canny , breaking his neck ( Lincoln Journal , Nebraska 28 December 1987 ) .
3 They backed off that time , but a few days later they tried to invade the island .
4 They tried to drive the adult peasants into paying their taxes , instead of coaxing them .
5 As the number of these specialists increased , they tried to use the idea of evolution as a means of giving their disciplines a vague unity , thus creating the first science of ‘ biology ’ .
6 This life-principle was very important to the early alchemists : they saw it as so real that , not only did they consider all entities to be made up of differing proportions of dead matter and life force ( spirit ) , they tried to use the spirit as , in essence , just one more chemical .
7 They tried to use the methods they had learned at Harvard until these were vetoed by their new boss .
8 They tried to drink the water , which made them sick , and had a go at their own urine until that too simply ran out .
9 ‘ But you were already with Zacco when they tried to kill the demoiselle at Kalopetra , ’ the youth said .
10 They tried to reach the River Po , which they hoped to cross so that they could eventually get back to Germany .
11 I think they tried to persuade the landlords to bring another .
12 UEFA 's appeals committee will hear Tbilisi deny that they tried to bribe the referee and linesmen before the first leg in Georgia three weeks ago .
13 They tried to take the cowboys on at their own game .
14 What I can also tell you is that Lucy 's engaged the erm British Cast Iron Research Association to carry out a survey , and they tried to repeat the circumstances of the explosion , and they could n't do so .
15 They tried to enlarge the territory of their state , which was perhaps essential if they were to survive .
16 They reckoned to have walked 18 miles each to and from the board as they tried to beat the world record of 510,625 scored in 25s and bullseyes in 24 hours .
17 One fire engine was damaged as crews used it as a barrier while they tried to extinguish the fire in the building 's upper floor and roof .
18 Lothar 's supporters implicitly recognised this when they tried to postpone the battle 's political impact by spreading rumours that Charles had been killed and Louis wounded .
19 He started in political life as he meant to go on , sympathising with ‘ Action Francaise ’ and making his first political gesture at the age of 26 as one of the threatening , right-wing mob who were driven back by police gunfire when they tried to storm the Chamber of Deputies in February 1934 .
20 They tried to grab the cash from him and knocked him to the ground .
21 They tried to haul the ship 5ft by taking the ship 's cables and anchors from the stern of other craft to firm holding ground and then winching the ship free on the capstan .
22 Police were last night waiting to examine the wreckage of the car , a Vauxhall Cavalier , as they tried to establish the cause of the accident .
23 They tried to sweeten the pill .
24 The Honorat regime had threatened to arrest members of the legislature if they tried to ratify the February 1992 US-sponsored Washington accord between the legislature and President Aristide , providing for the latter 's eventual return to power [ see pp. 38758 ; 38808 ] .
25 But when they tried to disarm the other with spray foam , it went off and police and dogs were called out .
26 They tried to sugar the medicine .
27 ‘ Would you say your father and others were traitors because they tried to remove the Führer ? ’
28 They tried to cloud the issue even further by mixing the question of L M S with the reforms which my group brought in while we were in control of the Council which is in stark contrast to the true situation .
29 Local authorities had their fingers burnt before when they tried to get the software up and running and then found that the Government were changing the rules .
30 they tried to get the score moving as best they could … but Derbyshire had different ideas …
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