Example sentences of "they believe that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can lead them to believe that such children are racially distinct from other blacks .
2 They believed that this course of action was morally and politically desirable despite the fact that the manufacture of napalm did not generate much profit , that the company 's manufacturing facilities could have been more profitably employed in the manufacture of some other chemical , and that the company 's public image and recruitment activities were being damaged by the continued manufacture of napalm .
3 They believe that each armour plate is formed from a ring of 20 to 30 single chalk crystals , with each adjacent crystal growing in alternate directions .
4 This is an unacceptable to most of them as they believe that such service furthers military aims .
5 The offer is there and is open to senior police officers if they believe that such batons would be of advantage to their forces .
6 Wholeness of body , mind and soul should be the prior concern of all Christians and they believe that this wholeness can be found through faith .
7 It is possible that although the politicians and administrators most closely involved know that the appearance of immense progressivity is a sham , they believe that this appearance will deceive others into thinking that such objectives are being achieved .
8 If things are as bad as the hon. Gentleman says , will my right hon. Friend ask the business men why the west midlands has managed to attract so much investment in manufacturing from abroad , why foreign countries have chosen to locate in the United Kingdom and whether they believe that those people would stay if they had to experience the burden of heavy taxation , job losses and days lost in strikes that would occur with the return of a Labour Government ?
9 They believe that any newcomer would take months to come to grips with what has gone wrong at Ferranti and would as a consequence be worse placed to negotiate a rescue for the group .
10 They have taken this position not because they are resistant to change , but because they believe that these proposals will politicise the British Police Service and they are in my view entirely right to have that view .
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