Example sentences of "they [vb past] to enter the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before his death , the Dragoons visited the farm ; they searched all of the outbuildings and then the house but , as if by a miracle , they failed to enter the room in which ‘ The Prophet ’ lay dying .
2 Withering fire from the Davidians automatic weapons greeted the A T F men when they tried to enter the building .
3 Why were the offices of the Broadwater Farm Defence Campaign illegally searched , and why were Defence Campaign staff arrested practically on site as they tried to enter the estate ?
4 They paid to enter the marquee to see the Spot the Talent competition .
5 UN officials said earlier they hoped to enter the settlement of Cerska within 24 hours to check Moslem claims that up to 1,500 sick and wounded needed to be evacuated from a Serb offensive .
6 For instance , we can easily miss the point made by our Lord when he set a child in the midst of the crowd and declared to the surrounding throng that if they wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they would have to become as a little child ( Matt.
7 In 1981 and 1982 the group had visited the test site with their ship the Vega and on the last occasion had been attacked and arrested by the French Navy as they attempted to enter the 12-mile territorial limit .
8 Gqozo said he had been forewarned of a coup plot , and the two conspirators were stopped by a police road block as they attempted to enter the capital , Bisho , from the direction of Transkei .
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