Example sentences of "they [be] [verb] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many solicitors , in writing a letter for a client , will misrepresent the law , even though they are addressing themselves to a layman , and will lend themselves to various abuses and suppressions ( not involving a breach of law ) in order to obstruct a just claim .
2 They are reconciling themselves to their own mortality .
3 " The [ communist ] movement is starting to fade away , they are alienating themselves from the people , " Buscayno told an interviewer .
4 Post-war criticism was ‘ gladiatorial ’ , as John Wain remarked years later , in 1972 , when the excitement had died down ; and attractive to the young for just that reason , since the young feed on moral drama : ‘ they need to feel that they are proving themselves by bravely attacking something powerful . ’
5 They know they are drinking themselves to death and in such an instance the social worker has no legal powers to intervene .
6 Increasingly they are grouping themselves into multiple retail chains , as can be seen from Table 11.10 .
7 They have slightly relaxed their demands for absolute obedience to the rules and do not think they are demeaning themselves by giving reasons for their ‘ do 's ’ and ‘ don'ts ’ .
8 Girls can be encouraged to take modules in technology without feeling they are committing themselves to two years ' or more work ; low achieving pupils can take a range of modules without suffering the indignity of following a programme that marks them out as ‘ different ’ .
9 They 're promoting themselves to a very significant extent on the basis that they 're selling at cheaper prices to the public .
10 So if we 've got somebody earning nine thousand , they 're going to want to know why they 're insuring themselves for a hundred thousand on living insurance benefit .
11 At the same time as they were re-establishing themselves in Vietnam the French were finally being evicted , as they saw it , from Syria and the Lebanon and while these were League of Nations mandates rather than parts of the French Empire proper , their loss was no less bitterly resented .
12 They will recollect the guidelines they were given themselves as children .
13 Somehow , somewhere , she got the impression that they were congratulating themselves on Martin and Rachel 's failure ; on their very irresponsible approach to Phoebe 's education .
14 They 've shown opposition to the introduction of L M S right from the start and put every obstacle possible in the way of its success , and its implementation , and yet there they were congratulating themselves on how well it was working .
15 Hello there … the olympic gold rush hit Central South over the weekend … first as we predicted … as we hoped … the Henley on Thames rowing machine of Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent cruised home in the coxless pairs … and while they were enjoying themselves in Spain .
16 Many of the instrumental numbers were so relaxed , they looked like they were amusing themselves at a family party and when Harry told everyone to stand up as he bopped around the stage in his black silk suit , everyone did as they were told .
17 He urged them to recognize that by not understanding the thought of India they were depriving themselves of the opportunity of serving India .
18 Shouts and curses echoed across the vault , and then they were hurling themselves down the steps .
19 Checking their activities to see that they were confining themselves to local products , and were not turning to smuggling was very difficult until improvements in transport and in the structure of government meant that the vast majority of imports paid duty .
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