Example sentences of "they [verb] themselves [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many more ants would need to go up into space for them to see themselves in perspective .
2 Well , preventing them filling themselves with drink .
3 The directors may , for instance , make gifts to the employees , but only where this can be regarded as ‘ an inducement to them to exert themselves in future , or as an act done reasonably for the purpose of getting the greatest profit from the business ’ .
4 only two matches left of rugby union 's league season and Gloucester need to win at least one of them to save themselves from relegation … on saturday they went down to Orrell at Kingsholm … the score 8-13
5 Luckily the bus itself was delayed , and so they got themselves on board .
6 Instead of stalks , they have a cluster of curling roots with which they attach themselves to coral or rocks .
7 They helped themselves to salad and Sara poured the wine .
8 At first they devoted themselves to self-education , fierce polemics against the populists , and propaganda among circles of selected workers .
9 Because administrators depended on their lord 's favour , they devoted themselves with vigour to Promoting his interests .
10 Add to all this that they endow themselves with rightness and send their mutual corroboration cascading through all levels of our information systems .
11 I do shut them up at night because of the stoats and the foxes , but they put themselves to bed , I only have to shut the door .
12 As soon as they see their names on the leaderboard they worry themselves to death until their name 's gone off the board .
13 It took a long time to break away from the idea that children were at best potentially evil and indolent , that they were little pitchers that had to be filled with information and moral guidance before they filled themselves with wickedness , idleness , and nonsense .
14 When the history of our times comes to be written , They Organized Themselves to Death will be the only possible epitaph .
15 As early as Acts 6 we find the apostles seeking deputies to manage the administration Of the church , while they give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word .
16 When in 92 B.C. somebody tried to establish a school of eloquence in Latin — presumably to serve some popularis cause — the censors of the day were firmly against it ; they declared themselves in favour of Greek , as against Latin , rhetoric ( Suet .
17 Rostov waited patiently while they arranged themselves in order of precedence and then touched hands with each .
18 As they adapted themselves to reindeer-herding and continued to expand towards the north-east , the Yakuts absorbed the original Yukagir inhabitants of the tundra as far east as the Kolyma river .
19 As they came off the S-Bahn trains , drove their battered Trabants across the border crossing , or just walked through , they pinched themselves in disbelief .
20 They acquitted themselves with valour .
21 Detecting them is just the beginning of a process in which only slowly , and with considerable backsliding , one becomes aware of the multiple ways in which they manifest themselves as evasiveness , defensiveness , spikiness , apprehensiveness and so on .
22 After the class they treated themselves to lunch , cold poached salmon the first day and the best cut of cold beef the next , and wine to go with it , and a raffle amongst the six of them for a bottle .
23 In accordance with Article 115 of the Articles of Association they hold office until the Annual General Meeting when they offer themselves for election .
24 They offer themselves for re-election .
25 When they launched themselves into production in 1922 , Balcon and Saville with Woman to Woman , the story of a shell-shocked officer who comes out of amnesia to discover the truth about his sordid past , and Wilcox with two films of which the second , a florid melodrama called The Flames of Passion , was a hit , they used the same director , Graham Cutts , and judged it worthwhile incurring the expense of bringing over American stars , Betty Compson for Woman , Mae Marsh for Flames , in order to increase their films ' marquee value at home and abroad .
26 Hilton says they turn away from involvement in the world , and , in words which more immediately evoke the liberation and peace which are the goals of the rigours of contemplative life , he says that they : That is , they rid themselves from involvement with any possessions not strictly needed for physical survival and escape from the demands and goals of social success to a different kind of service .
27 When subjects arrive at the sleep laboratory in the evening for a night 's recording they prepare themselves for bed in the normal way .
28 It 's international in that they see themselves above nationhood , beyond patriotism , and they want the war to end .
29 They considered themselves above parish apprentices , yet of the fellow members of the cutter club with whom he rowed on the Thames , Place recalled that the stroke was hanged for a murder he did not commit , not being able to provide an alibi as he was committing a burglary at the time , while the cox was transported for a robbery .
30 Since CNAA reports were always likely to reach a wide readership they ‘ must be based on conclusive evidence and should not identify individuals for serious criticism in a manner which can not allow them to defend themselves in accordance with the established rule of law ’ .
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