Example sentences of "they [adj] come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One time that used to be further in the dock and I used to be let the erm , the manager know , the pool manager , cos at one time before the war , dockers were erm casual and when the war started , then they thought theirself , right we 're gon na make er dockers more or less permanent , so they all come under the Ipswich Dock Commission then .
2 This format makes it easy to fit the words to the ( edited ) pictures and to cue them to the start of each section so that they all come at the right place when they are being recorded onto the video sound track .
3 And they all come with a seal of approval .
4 This example is indeed a cautionary tale , as the work of the two engravers was traditionally attributed to two different mints ( Rome and Tarraco , in Spain ) , but the discovery of numerous die links ( see below ) between each group has shown that they all come from the same mint .
5 Yeah , well they did because they all come in a quarter do n't they ?
6 ‘ You help assess a client when they first come to the Home .
7 One of the first questions you get asked of anybody when they first come on a training course here , er , certainly a sort of foundation course , is that somebody writes up on the board there T N T , and says what does that stand for ?
8 While the two reasons may sound opposite , they both come from the same cause — a faulty assumption .
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