Example sentences of "on may [adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On May 13 a mujaheddin spokesman said in Peshawar that " we are determined to continue the fight … with or without aid from the Americans " .
2 At a news conference on May 5 a member of the Cuban Communist Party political bureau , Carlos Lage Dávila , stated that projected imports for 1992 were expected to be 58 per cent down on 1991 and that imported fuel would total 6,000,000 tonnes compared with the previous " usual " annual figure of 13,300,000 tonnes .
3 On the same day 45 soldiers were reported killed in an LTTE ambush , and on May 5 an LTTE suicide commando attacked a government naval vessel , killing the five crew members .
4 On May 7 a woman protester was killed by a ricochet bullet shot from the gun of a gendarme in a demonstration at an arms factory ( Poudreries Réunies de Belgique ) alleged to be connected with the Iraqi supergun affair .
5 The 22-member policy-making Interim Committee of the IMF announced on May 8 an increase of 50 per cent in capital resources .
6 On May 25th a group of lenders , headed by Barclays , decided to put Speyhawk , a long-troubled property developer , into receivership .
7 On May 14 a group of up to 300 Army officers and military cadets protesting against the independence declaration tried to push their way into the Supreme Soviet building , and clashed briefly with police and independence supporters before dispersing when Gorbunovs agreed to receive a petition from them .
8 On May 14 a teacher and some 30 black pupils from a Brooklyn school defied the boycott by entering the shop , but were intimidated and spat upon by the pickets .
9 On May 14-16 a group of donors led by the World Bank promised assistance to the value of US$508,000,000 for 1990-91 , aimed at reducing balance of payments problems under a special programme of assistance for debt-laden low-income sub-Saharan African states .
10 Following the April resignation of Finance Minister Barend du Plessis [ see p. 38850 ] , President de Klerk announced on May 4 a reshuffle involving several senior members of his Cabinet .
11 The Organization of African Unity and the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) signed in Geneva on May 4 a co-operation agreement which formalized the longstanding collaboration between the two organizations and allowed the ICRC to participate in all OAU meetings as an observer .
12 On May 4 an Army prosecutor , Maj. Raúl Rozas , had ordered the imprisonment of the Epoca journalist , Monica Lagos , who had reportedly uncovered the identity of a former secret agent allegedly linked to Letelier 's murder .
13 On May 27 a meeting in Vladikavkaz ( capital of North Ossetia ) between Georgian Deputy Premier Aleksandr Kavsadze [ see p. 38877 for his appointment ] , North and South Ossetian leaders and Nikolai Medvedev , Chair of the Russian Supreme Soviet Commission for National and State Structures and Interethnic Relations , agreed on a ceasefire and on lifting the blockade .
14 On May 1 an agreement was signed with Zambia opening the way for the establishment of representative offices in the two countries .
15 On May 28 a bomb exploded in a crowded West Jerusalem market , killing one elderly Israeli and injuring nine other people .
16 On May 25 a number of miners — variously given as 40 and 100 — at Valias began a hunger strike underground [ for January 1991 strike , see p. 37972 ] .
17 On May 15 a bill was adopted calling for talks between Hungary and neighbouring countries on the fate and protection of Magyar minorities .
18 On May 15 a crowd of 20,000 gathered outside the Front 's headquarters and from there marched on the parliament building and the presidential palace .
19 As a result , on May 23 a coalition government took office led by the centre-right Hungarian Democratic Forum ( HDF ) and including the Independent Smallholders Party and the Christian Democratic People 's Party ( CDPP ) , with Jozsef Antall as Premier .
20 On May 11th a group of German financial institutions bought from Fondiaria , an Italian insurer , its 21% of AMB .
21 On May 6 an attempt by opposition deputies in the People 's Assembly to remove Gramoz Rucaj from the post of caretaker Interior Minister because of the Shkodër events had been defeated , but a majority had voted in favour of dismissing Procurator General Rrapo Mino and head of the Investigator-General 's Office Qemal Lane .
22 The government had announced on May 19 a proposal to dismiss 360,000 state employees by June 18 , but this proposal was not put into force as joint talks between government and union leaders broke down .
23 However , on May 19 a judge had issued warrants for the arrest of the former guerrilla movement 's general staff in connection with the 1985 attack .
24 At the UDF 's third conference on May 19 a majority of delegates supported the walkout and demanded that UDF MPs should support further such protests if the demand for new elections were not met , and this radical position was reaffirmed at a further UDF national conference held in June .
25 Also on May 2 a platoon of British Royal Marines left for northern Iraq after being ordered to leave Turkey .
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