Example sentences of "you [modal v] have [be] able " in BNC.

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1 you know there was I 've got a policy er here that I can take out and you took it and then that was it and you spent the rest of the time talking about this one policy whereas , because you 'd been thinking about that one , there may have been others that you may have been able to disturb her about or erm you know if she had other member of the family or education , whatever , there was , there was other areas that maybe you could 've brought up or gone back to anyway .
2 You must have been able to squeeze half an hour sometime or other .
3 Oh , you must have been able to squeeze half an hour some time or other .
4 If you can answer all those questions , with a fair degree of confidence , about your product , you should have been able to decide what your brand 's strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace are .
5 Preferably , you should have been able to read the text over before the lecture .
6 The fact that you might have been able to get it yourself is only relevant if you can not afford to buy it .
7 It 's a shame you were n't helping out at Christmas , you 'd 've been able
8 ‘ You mean you 'd have been able to pull strings ? ’ said Bob .
9 You 'd have been able to live very comfortably if you 'd taken the money I offered , after we separated , ’ he pointed out .
10 If you were one of the few to risk the Queen Elizabeth Hall on Monday , you would have been able to find no information about the composers being played .
11 You might also be consistently failing to hear other sounds that you would have been able to hear ( and produce too ) had you approached the problem methodically by means of the workchart .
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