Example sentences of "you [conj] [pron] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If you fight or question she will toss you on the thorns and it will go ill with you before you come out of there .
2 When you when you come up here and do the driving you find that erm because people are are just not available at the time and erm y I 'm here just for a and Stan only here for a a limited period , and er you 're sort of trying they 're downstairs they 're trying to get people off the trucks when they come in or whatever the case may be to go out and do an assessment run , and it 's not always possible .
3 When he asked one to sit down , the appellant said , ‘ We 'll get you when you come out . ’
4 If I get it right , then I 'll have you when you come out .
5 Go and have your bath , and there 'll be some breakfast ready for you when you come out . "
6 Well , the I 'll show you when you come out .
7 I 'll see you when you come down tomorrow then .
8 The day before I was released it was , ‘ Oh well , see you when you come back ’ , not ‘ Good luck , do n't come back . ’
9 I 'll have it with you when you come back
10 I 'll , I 'll have it when you , I , I 'll have it with you when you come back
11 right , I 'll see you when you come back
12 See you when you come back from Kingsworth .
13 See you when you come back .
14 and er , anyway she got me walking out and she says er , see you when I come back , that was er about twenty past that was twenty past eleven was n't it ?
15 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
16 I am enclosing tickets for the new play and as they are in the front stalls , I may see you as I come on , ; but do not expect me to salute you , you understand , as I shall be taken up with my part .
17 Does this reach you as you come down from bed ?
18 Come over here and join us by all means — but not too many of you , so we 'll vet you as you come in ; and not make getting in pleasant or easy ; and just please stick to your own districts , and keep your own religion and dance away to tambourines , or bow to the East , or whatever you like to do to remind you of home — or home as it used to be a hundred years ago but certainly is n't now — and are n't we clever , and kind , and good , the way we give you your roots back ? , and with any luck your children will grow up well-behaved and pleasant ; ours certainly are n't ; because your children come of a society which , being somewhere else and a long time ago , is probably better than ours .
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