Example sentences of "you [vb mod] use [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 On this pinnacle of enthusiasm , with promises to meet later for dinner , or tea , or supper , and do not forget our daughter and our boat of course you must use it for your fishing and good day , Colonel Hope , good day — the hills are called fells by the natives …
2 The questions you then have to tackle are what you can use it for and , even more important , what you should use it for .
3 In some lessons you might use it for five minutes .
4 I thought you might use it for your files . ’
5 Well you might use it for something .
6 So , whether you 're looking for an alternative wastepaper bin , a planter or even kitchen storage , with prices starting at £18 you could use them for all these things and more
7 Er and not many fresh eggs but we did get dried eggs which were , were , it was n't a bad substitute but it was n't the same as a fresh egg but you could scramble them and you could use them for cooking but then you see there was very little fat .
8 you know , you could use it for quick notes
9 yeah , so you can use them for insulators , electrical insulators or heat insulators , right .
10 Naturally enough , you can use them for graphics , but with a twist .
11 So you can use them for because of because of it 's cos you can draw it out you can make wires out of it .
12 In addition , you can use it for metal-grinding , for instance when sharpening cold chisels , rotary-mower blades and other cutting tool blades .
13 Choose one about 600mm ( 2ft ) long with a metal body , and both horizontal and vertical indicators ; then you can use it for getting things plumb too .
14 It is so versatile : you can use it for everyday cooking and for special and festive occasions in starters , main courses , salads and puddings .
15 You can use it for elaborate and complicated patterns but its quite beautiful just simply knitted for a velvet-like jacket or sweater — tremendously rich in simple black or a deep colour .
16 It makes a firmer fabric than an every needle rib , makes a double jacquard pattern shorter and truer to the actual pattern and , also , you can use it for the plain rows instead of the ‘ striper ’ card if you like the texture .
17 You can use it for a lot of things , but when you get down to analyse it , I think it may be the law of the jungle where the strongest survive ; and I do n't know necessarily whether that 's a bad thing .
18 Mainly suitable for main filtration the manufacturers claim that by stuffing it more tightly into your filter you can use it for pre-filtration too .
19 And that 's what we got imminence for — but you can use it for a lot more than that .
20 The questions you then have to tackle are what you can use it for and , even more important , what you should use it for .
21 You can use it for real or artificial flowers .
22 It 's a , an overflow sheet for erm , people who charge out their time , by the minute , or what you can use it for , is if you want to keep a precise time-lock for five working days , and I would recommend that you do do this at some point in your future , use these sheets to do it .
23 you can use it for a saw or put a head
24 Right so you can use it for almost anything to show but it , it 's showing it as a fraction of the whole thing .
25 You can use it for an interview .
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