Example sentences of "that give [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 New positional fields are established after the main axis is set up — those that give rise to the limbs will be examined in the next chapter .
2 Good examples of this are the genes that give rise to the histones ( proteins that make up the chromosomal superstructure ) , the ribosomal RNA , the immunoglobulins and many others .
3 Of course , if the migrating Alu sequences are to spread to succeeding generations of animals , this cycle must take place in the cells that give rise to the sperm or eggs .
4 They differ from causal circumstance and effect in that they lack either or both of the features that give rise to the difference between causal circumstance and effect-the priority of the causal circumstance .
5 But there are plenty of social , psychological and religious theories that give rise to the suspicion that , in their concern to explain everything , they explain nothing .
6 Within the past few years there have been developments that give rise to the hope that before too long we shall have a filly consistent quantum theory of gravity , one that will agree with general relativity for macroscopic objects and will , one hopes , be free of the mathematical infinities that have long bedeviled other quantum field theories .
7 Although the global hypsometric curve provides a valuable statistical summary of the Earth 's relief as a whole it is also necessary to identify the major components of global morphology that give rise to the curve ( Fig. 2.4 ) .
8 What we 're finding is that the discoveries in interstellar space are making us try new experiments and erm try and reproduce these conditions , perhaps in the laboratory , and then go on to discover new molecules in space and understand the processes that give rise to the molecules .
9 The muscles that give expression to the face are also referred to as skeletal muscles , and they like bone to skin .
10 The muscles that give expression to the face are also referred to as skeletal muscles , and they like bone to skin .
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