Example sentences of "that [pers pn] 'd [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Then a film that I 'd made in India opened , and the producer of the film gave me a list of agents ' names , and said , ‘ You are going to be a star .
2 So , there 's me , in agony with me ankle , hobbling over to the hole that I 'd made in the wall of the office .
3 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
4 She was still wearing the thin cotton dress that she 'd worn in the prison hospital , but now there was a shawl around her shoulders as well .
5 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
6 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
7 It was bad enough that she 'd fallen in love with the cold , glacial man she already knew him to be — if she were to suddenly discover a tender , humane element to his character , heaven help her .
8 Well I think it was the discipline that you 'd got in those days .
9 But we tried things that we 'd done in theory .
10 By the way , Uncle , ’ she added , ‘ how did you know that we 'd gone in ?
11 The weeds that we 'd uprooted in the morning were shrivelled and brown ; the earth looked as if nothing had ever lived in it .
12 If was a far cry from the big house that they 'd lived in as far back as she could remember .
13 By the time the General Election arrived eighteen months later , there was a good candidate ( Malcolm Thornton , now MP ) , a renewed constituency organisation and time for the people of Crosby to realise that they 'd done in that panicky moment when they were looking for a familiar face as their Member of Parliament .
14 They were trading in the village , bartering orange plastic beads and metalware that they 'd bought in India for flour and grain .
15 All 180 kids gathered right at his feet and he did a completely different show from any show that he 'd done in the sell-out places for five or six thousand .
16 He told me I should be grateful as this was the first Sunday lunch-time down his local that he 'd missed in five years .
17 He had mistaken it for an ashtray and I watched from the back seat as he painstakingly flicked his ash on to the small pile of dead matches and cigarette ends that he 'd accumulated in the bowl of the vent .
18 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
19 He could feel his heart thudding furiously and hoped desperately that he 'd succeeded in making his voice sound casual .
20 He should be satisfied that he 'd succeeded in destroying her calm façade .
21 Suddenly he remembered the owl lamp that he 'd knocked in the night .
22 At the time of interview , he had cut his habit down from 2 grams to 0.25 gram a day and was ‘ saving up ’ small amounts of methadone that he 'd bought in doses of 50ml at 5 a time :
23 Everything that he 'd had in mind to say to her was suddenly gone from his head , his mind as blank as a new wall and his belly full of sudden , inexplicable dread .
24 They came to the pub that he 'd had in mind and climbed the steps to the door .
25 Well , Charles immediately set up the kind of court that he 'd had in London as far as he could , with a very set routine .
26 He also had another er , what we call a journey waybill and that , he used to record on there at each termini he used to record the time and the ticket numbers that he 'd got in his rack at that particular time , so it could be seen between certain times that a ticket perhaps was sold between Witton and Rushmere Heath .
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