Example sentences of "that [pron] received from the " in BNC.

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1 Long I have lingered by the banks of the Ness , looking on the town clinging to and rising above its banks ; often have I gone to the castle hill to trace the windings of the stream , which was ever smiling back or reflecting the sadder tones of the sky , and to gaze on the distant land of mountain and plain ; and I have also spent many hours in rapt admiration of the sylvan pictures that render the walk through the islands on the Ness a walk of walks : it yielded a joy as deep as that I received from the walks on Goat Island , within hearing and seeing of the rapid-flowing waters of Niagara .
2 The message that I received from the NRA was : ’ The answer to your question is no .
3 The message that I received from the governor and from the hard-working members of the association who work at Welford road is that there is a need for more resources to be put into the prison service .
4 Before you consider the document , may I remind you of a letter that you received from the convenor of Stirling district council ?
5 The regulations have not been subject to a report by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments , but we have printed a memorandum about the statutory instrument that we received from the Department , and made copies of it available .
6 and er , which we finished , and I would really just like to say that erm , thanks very much for the cooperation that we received from the offices generally across the authority .
7 Those people have stood up for justice , despite the abuse that they received from the public .
8 I am absolutely confident that Dr. Church and his partners are not unique and that many other doctors are in the same position , in the sense that they made financial investments during 1989-91 and the payments that they received from the fund were limited by the operation of the list size criterion .
9 In 1155 he became abbot of St Victor : several letters and charters attest his financial vigilance and the practical support that he received from the English pope , Hadrian IV [ q.v . ] .
10 Now that we know what it means , will the Prime Minister reflect on the ’ double whammy ’ that he received from the other place on the Education ( Schools ) Bill last night ?
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