Example sentences of "that [pron] be doing the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not even sure that I 'm doing the right course .
2 When they left , however , and I made the decision to stay , I knew it might be hard for me but I knew also that I was doing the right thing .
3 If God would provide accommodation for my family while I was away , preferably with friends , and convince my parents that I was doing the right thing , then I would know that the trip was on .
4 I wanted to be sure that I was doing the right thing and would n't regret it .
5 Not at all sure that I was doing the right thing , I fumbled towards the nearest dish for a finger-load of food , and turned to Sadria .
6 I had found myself staggering from one situation to the next … we decided then that I was doing the same thing wrong you see , and so we looked at the actual practice …
7 ‘ I told him that I did n't give a rat 's arse , and that I was doing the best I could . ’
8 She also says that she is doing the ride again next year …
9 Now that she was doing the crawl ( painfully ) she barged into people all the time .
10 And after phoning Julie , who had agreed to join her in Devon , she 'd also been heartened by her friend 's confirmation that she was doing the right thing .
11 If only Miguel were here , to reassure her that she was doing the right thing .
12 You may feel rather unsure of what you want in life mid-June , Capricorn , but by the end of the month , you will know that you 're doing the right thing !
13 ‘ You thought that you were doing the right thing .
14 Erm can you confirm that we 're doing the Green World stuffing ?
15 a London colloquialism has been used , Napier were saying that we 're doing the tutoring we would be happy to set the exam paper but with say
16 and we can sing them and , feel that we 're doing the right thing and go our way but Lord we pray that the words we sing might be the words that we means , and the words that we say might be the things and the , the way we mean to conduct our lives .
17 Alternatively it may be that you hanker after some lost love and are therefore convinced that we are doing the same , when in most cases nothing could be further from the truth .
18 Indeed , it has been said by some professionals in the field that we are doing the students a disservice by attempting to break through their apathy since their main chance of happiness lies in their passive acceptance of traditional ‘ care ’ facilities .
19 Our next meeting of our local group we refused to launch it on the day that we were doing the training , and if you 'd seen the launch yesterday it was absolutely bloody abysmal .
20 I do n't think it 's as simple as that because at the time that we were doing the budget , we were doing it really in September , and most of those other cate categories of work , apart from like auto-offs reports and things , were n't having an impact .
21 Remember that your colleagues need your reassurance too , to confirm that they are doing the right thing .
22 Speaking at the presentation , Sir George said : ‘ Councils have to show that they are doing the best they can with the money and other resources which they can use . ’
23 We made the mistake of not having enough of our own practical management to check that they were doing the right thing .
24 Elsewhere , in the Danube province of Upper Moesia , stratores were to be found supervising road stations at both Nis ( Naissus ) and Cuprija ( Horreum Margi ) , and it is not impossible that they were doing the same in Britain .
25 Have you ever found yourself talking , telling pupils things , and wished that somehow things were different , that they were doing the work ?
26 He says that it 's doing the business no good at all .
27 Easterners are especially dissatisfied with the EC 's claim that it is doing the best it can for them .
28 The last thing Ken Sawkins wants is to upset people but he feels strongly that he is doing the area a good turn .
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