Example sentences of "that [pron] have been talking " in BNC.

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1 Now we know that Antarctic bottom water is formed here in the Webber Sea and the samples that I 've been talking about were taken here in the South Georgia basin , so we can see that it has taken seventeen years for the water to travel from here to here .
2 Erm the service continues next term with me starting and then Mike taking over half way through and what I 'll be doing is supplying the general two theoried two theoretic semantics that I 've been talking about erm two specific instructions in a natural language I can get what six
3 I stayed in the bottom class , but noticed the girl that I had been talking to was in another class .
4 I realised that I had been talking about the convent without explanation or location .
5 Miguel had been watching her , and she realised that she had been talking far too freely , and that she could n't see what he was thinking because of those dark glasses .
6 I said so , and you fobbed me off with the excuse that you 'd been talking about Lilian 's twin .
7 do you think that maybe they could benefit from this idea that you 've been talking about today ?
8 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
9 But do n't lets knock it to death do n't lets kick it this place saved my life I almost killed myself trying to fulfil those that we 've been talking about .
10 That 's two different kinds of love though then , love , loving your neighbour I suppose is the widest sense and er and the love between a parent and child , are those more recognisable as , as true love if you like than the kind of romantic love , sexual love that we 've been talking about , yes
11 Yes , well this is , this is one of the er , categories that we 've been talking about .
12 On one level there 's this analogy , this pattern about history that we 've been talking about but er is Freud 's attempt to explain Jewish er culture in terms of a , of a general pattern of history , of course there are many other examples and Mike has suggested a brilliant one here .
13 You know communications is a very big area there 's a lot to be talked about erm certainly rapport and leading and things like that you asked for that we could 've done a lot more with , the type of language people use we could do a lot more with but when we 've got a limited time we 're gon na have to take a limited snapshot and I hope that what we 've done so far today you found useful and I hope when we put it into practice tomorrow maybe you can understand a little bit more of some of things that we 've been talking about today .
14 Erm it seems to me that we 've been talking about capturing elephants but er is it really a Trojan horse ?
15 erm certainly numerically controlled machine tools , they 've been with us for a number of years now and there 's no doubt about it that micro-electronics is having an influence , or advances in micro-electronics are having a way in which they are implemented , but I feel applications of that type it requires quite a large amount of flexibility in being able to program it to set up one machine , program it differently to set up another machine , say , or to produce one component and another component and so on , so that I think there one is thinking and looking at a more sophisticated type of computer than , say , a simple microcomputer that we 've been talking about earlier .
16 Yes , and I do hope that at the same time that we 've been talking about how relatively practical religion has become , that we shall remember the mystery which it witnesses to .
17 Therefore , I decided that I had the clue to something that had long baffled me , that whereas Levis 's strict division of the world into sensuous particulars and more intellectual abstractions — I hope I 'm being fair to him , I 'm caricaturing and shortening _ whereas this was applicable to the modern period , it probably was n't to the period I decided , I think , roughly before the eighteenth century , and with this in mind I then turned to the mysterious last plays of Shakespeare that we 've been talking about earlier and tried to see whether the sense one gets in those plays of love , for example , not as simply a logical construction for talking about the way people behave in relation to each other , but as some kind of spiritual entity existing prior to the human subjects in the play , whether that sense could be in some degree confirmed and explained by an investigation of the general use of universals in the period and earlier .
18 And with this in mind I then turned to the mysterious last plays of Shakespeare that we 've been talking about earlier , erm and tried to see whether the sense one gets in those plays of love , for example , not as erm simply a logical construction for talking about the way people talk in relation to each other , but as some kind of spiritual entity , existing prior to the human subjects in the play , whether that sense could be in some degree confirmed and explained by an investigation of the general use of universals in the period and earlier .
19 But he was more than a thief , he was a , he was a re , he was a rebel , he was a terrorist or a freedom fighter , depending which way you wanted to look at it , and he was dying for his crimes but he was n't alone , because there there was this man that we have been talking , there was Jesus , and there was another one , another criminal on the other side .
20 The aspects of energy that we have been talking about this evening erm are part of your course , are they discussed in this form by the students taking your course ?
21 Erm , it does n't matter what I propose , whether it actually makes out things that they 've been talking about or whether it 's completely found something to criticise about it .
22 They said that they had been talking about it themselves .
23 Betty would have been upset to know that they had been talking of the devil .
24 ‘ She said she had known for some time that she and Fabien could not remain at La Tour Monchauzet after their marriage — that they had been talking together about moving away — of going , perhaps , as far as Australia or California and starting a totally new life .
25 The publican replied that he 'd been talking to his dog .
26 Because there was no doubt in her mind that he had been talking from personal experience .
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