Example sentences of "that [pron] have been working " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yeah , it 's a collection of tunes that I 've been working on for a while .
2 She said : ‘ All that has held us together for years is that I 've been working for you .
3 How many times have you supposed to have taken something back or have it repaired or something and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there and it 's collected du , I 've got things round the house that I 've been working on and that I 've got ta , I 've got ta and it 's collected dust .
4 My pen that I 've been working .
5 It was a freezing cold day and I 'd been sitting there in nothing but these dungarees that I 'd been working on the roof in .
6 Mind you in between that I 'd been working on the fa farm farm .
7 Ian Luder , head of Arthur Andersen 's executive and personal taxation services group , says that ‘ the more that I have been working on employee schemes , the more convinced I am that there is an impact ’ .
8 In the three years or so that I have been working at Joan Allen Electronics I have become acutely aware of battery problems , in particular from the many cases where detectors have been sent back for repair needlessly .
9 He knew he had to turn his back on Crevecoeur , dreading the day he would see physical signs that SHe had been working .
10 She had been so immersed in her anger and indignation that she had been working on automatic pilot herself .
11 Two minutes later she was tapping on his office door , clutching to her bosom the file of notes and sketches that she had been working on with such enthusiasm all week .
12 She resisted adding that she had been working overtime on his designs .
13 In her haste to get away , she must have bundled up the documents and ledgers that she had been working on and brought them back with her .
14 ‘ Do n't you know what time — ’ she began , but already , somehow , he had moved past her into the dimly lit office and was standing confidently at her drawing-board , casually eyeing the plan that she had been working on .
15 It was good to know that all her veterinary training had come to her aid in spite of the fact that she had been working for two years with small animals only .
16 Now , if we 've said that the correlation coefficient is the product that we 've been working out and we 've said the maximum positive value that this little expression here can obtain is N minus one , N minus one divided by N minus one is plus one .
17 Other fields that we 've been working on particularly are the educational field and the content and scale of education , it 's link with the unemployment problem and it would take too long really to list the whole range .
18 Yes , I think that as David said one of the things that we 've been working at very hard in recent years in teacher training is to try to improve the quality and the content of reading courses generally , and then I think it is also necessary to draw attention to teachers of this problem of dyslexia .
19 ‘ I feel that we have been working together for much longer , ’ says Sandra , ‘ because even when we had our own businesses we would ring each other up for advice .
20 Mike says that they 've been working hard to organise the trip — and is not bothered about the risk of visiting the country .
21 Throughout the trial the brothers had maintained that they had been working as agents for the British Government in Dublin .
22 In a recent South African trial resulting from a rail accident , the drivers concerned denied responsibility on the grounds that they had been working compulsory 18-hour shifts .
23 Rainow , Cheshire-based Eden says that it has been working with unnamed telecommunications operators and user groups on the design of the phone , and envisages both business customers and consumers being interested in the device .
24 He realized that he was tired and that he had been working too long , word upon word , hour after hour , mostly in a poor light , always in bitter cold .
25 At this time , Miller told Blair that he had been working with Nathanael St André , ‘ the famous anatomist ’ , examining structures of plants and he believed that together they would make some curious discoveries .
26 The strain of trying to do everything himself was taking a toll ; after one almost incoherent letter he explained that he had been working from 8 a.m. until midnight , had not eaten and so ‘ was thoroughly depressed and vague ’ .
27 The case of Kenneth Littlejohn had been prominent in the news during the year and they had the impression that he had been working for the Home Office .
28 Gavin Turk , who attracted notice for erecting , as his only contribution to his degree show at the Royal College of Art a year ago , a blue English Heritage plaque announcing that he had been working in his studio for two years , is having a first exhibition at an apartment in Docklands , opposite Canary Wharf ( 1–31 July ; by appointment only , call 071–274 0041 ) .
29 Terry had written out a very detailed plan for a farm-school project for juvenile offenders that he had been working on for almost two years .
30 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck speaking in New Delhi on his arrival in India on Sept. 9 for a four-day official visit , said that he did not consider a monarchy to be the best system of government and that he had been working towards the greater democratization of his country .
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