Example sentences of "not matter [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It does not matter whether the purpose is to educate or edify , to corrupt or simply to make money .
2 In subsequent correspondence Technical Division were asked to confirm that the timing of the provision of the benefit to the non-resident or non-domiciled beneficiary was irrelevant , ie that it did not matter whether the income in question was paid to him in the year of assessment in which it arose or in a subsequent year , but Technical Division refused to confirm that this was the case on the grounds that the actual circumstances of particular cases tended to vary so widely that they felt unable to answer the question without more details .
3 For present purposes it does not matter whether the court has no power to order specific treatment to be given contrary to the doctors ' will or has power but will in practice not exercise it in such circumstances .
4 It does not matter whether the successor and the tenant resided together in one or more houses or whether the residences were all council houses provided they resided together in a council house at the moment of death and provided that the successor and the tenant resided together during the period of 12 months prior to the death of the tenant .
5 It does not matter whether the party accepting the consideration has any apparent benefit thereby or not : it is enough that he accepts it , and that the party giving it does thereby undertake some burden , or lose something which in contemplation of law may be of value .
6 Swinging a punch with the intention of striking the other is clearly caught , and it does not matter whether the punch lands or falls short .
7 It would not matter whether the consent was expressly or impliedly given , i.e. there is no theft from a company when it has consented to the taking .
8 In the example above , Smith would have a laterality coefficient of 0.20 while/ones would have a coefficient of only 0.14 It does not matter whether the score for the left side is larger or smaller than the score on the right since the sign of the coefficient , negative or positive , indicates the direction of any lateral advantage .
9 It does not matter whether the victim would rely on the deception .
10 There is a statistical rider which puts even greater emphasis on that sum : it does not matter whether the family unit is made up of two , three or four people — the £1,000 booking is near enough a constant — though what people spend when they get there is harder to establish .
11 Because they are mouthbrooders it does not matter if a male holds only a small or temporary territory , as the eggs are safe in the female 's mouth .
12 The argument became heated when I refused to agree that it did not matter if the document was authentic or not .
13 If this assertion is correct , then it would not matter if the standing requirement was abolished entirely , provided some other mechanism was put in its place for weeding out hopeless and crank cases .
14 Again it would not matter if the person were a US citizen or not , so long as he or she lived in the US the classification would stand .
15 It does not matter if the cartoon is insulting to men .
16 It does not matter if the man is fulltime employed or unemployed , the balance of domestic work is still determined by the woman 's employment status .
17 It does not matter if the man with the wire in his head is good or bad .
18 In the UK , the commonest deficiencies are of iron and vitamin B. A mild deficiency detected by blood test may not matter if the diet is essentially well-balanced and the person is well .
19 The ITA decided that in this region it did not matter if the finance was not ‘ local ’ .
20 If there is a bob or two to be made , old rootstocks may be sold as ‘ hedging roses ’ with a bit of brash advertising — it does not matter if the illustration is nothing like the truth , the media do not know any better — and somebody will buy them , they always do .
21 It does not matter if the opponent steps out as long as your technique strikes home before the referee has time to stop the bout .
22 Just as the importance of the Stanley anecdote was not whether it was true or not , in a sense it does not matter if the Renaissance cultural relations Greenblatt posits actually existed , because the truth of that cultural negotiation is exchangeable for the writing that more directly serves power , in this case the critical writing which establishes the critic as salaried shaman .
23 It does not matter where a person dies ; it matters only why they die .
24 The difference is that , in the former , it does not matter where the model is landed-as long as the area is clear of people and property- or how untidy the landing is , while , in the latter case , it must look good and land on a small spot .
25 When Hal discovers Falstaff 's ‘ corpse ’ , feigning death to escape Douglas , he speaks a verse epitaph over him — the wrong medium , but that does n't matter since the death is n't real , either , and when Falstaff receives his true epitaph it will be in prose ( Henry V , II.iii.9ff . ) .
26 It does n't matter whether a sign causes what it signifies , or is caused by it , or whether both are caused by something else ( like thunder and lightning , either of which might be a sign of the other and both of which are caused by an electrical discharge ) .
27 ‘ It does n't matter whether the customer wants to buy a bus ticket or round the world cruise , ’ says managing director William Shaw , ‘ we offer a complete service to all and do n't just concentrate on packages . ’
28 When , in nineteen fifty eight when Co Cossors were bringing , started bringing their workers here the Development Corporation were very anxious to let houses and , so that it , it did n't matter whether the worker was male or female , he or she was accepted as a tenant , by the time we came to move in Harlow in nineteen sixty three the Development Corporation reneged on its promise to house my wife .
29 Note that it does n't matter whether the hit scores a wound or whether a wound is saved , it is whether you hit or not that allows you to fire again .
30 ‘ It does n't matter where the fight is , I 'm fully confident of winning the title , ’ said Lewis .
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