Example sentences of "not apply [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The litigation involving the late ex-President Marcos of the Philippines [ see pp. 36428 ; 36893 ] suggested that such immunity did not apply to a former head of state particularly when it was specifically waived by the country from whence he had been deposed .
2 ( 2 ) Chattel mortgage legislation does not apply to a genuine contract of hire even in the case of a sale and leaseback .
3 The exemption will not apply to a mere agreement for the sale of specific assets or where the vendor is disposing of only part of his interest in the business .
4 Normative rulings , then , do not apply to a fixed role apart from the incumbent ; they can be developed only as individuals have the time and occasion to become familiar with each others ' past history and future intentions .
5 368 did not apply to a periodic tenancy and declined to follow Doe d .
6 In possibly solving a problem in relation to stamp duty or SDRT the arrangement may throw up problems in other areas : ( 1 ) Section 89(4) of CA 1985 ( statutory pre-emption rights ) provides that the statutory pre-emption rights do not apply to a particular allotment of equity shares if these are , or are to be , wholly or partly paid up otherwise than in cash .
7 The suspension during the first three weeks and the possible extended period does not apply to a public takeover or exchange bid , provided this has been notified to the Commission at the same time as it is publicly announced .
8 When they are authorised , whether generally or in relation to a particular allotment , the company may resolve by special resolution that section 89(1) shall not apply to a specified allotment under that authority or shall apply with such modifications as are specified in the resolution .
9 Civil servants are paid according to criteria which should not apply in a creative profession .
10 Furthermore , the institution should be required to listen to representations from the parties as to why the presumption of the legislation should not apply in a particular case , and to evaluate these representations .
11 We have argued that such institutions should be public ( though not ruling out the possibility of a role , even an important role , for private actions , as an additional deterrent to abuses of market power ) ; that there should be a single investigating institution with powers to identify and to investigate cases , and to propose remedies , within a clearly stated framework of rules and guidelines ; that firms should be given an opportunity to make representations as to why the competition policy presumptions should not apply in a particular case ; and that there should be a competition tribunal with the task of reviewing and monitoring the recommendations of the competition policy institution .
12 I respect er the view that was put to me in the extract from P P G twelve , but i nevertheless think that this is a matter of principle because it does n't apply to a particular res western route , it applies to all the western routes .
13 Do n't apply to a parched lawn , and follow the manufacturer 's instructions .
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