Example sentences of "not fully [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Importing authorities , on the other hand , have complained that the cross-boundary flow adjustment does not fully compensate for the actual workload since , by using average costs , it does not fully cover the costs of treating high-cost cases .
2 On the science of botany he comments that ‘ the lucid order and systematical arrangement of plants was not fully completed until a very recent period , when a Swede first gave lessons and then laws in this interesting science. , This reference to Linnaeus leads on to exchange between Chelsea and Europe .
3 As for myself — Bob and I have been married for forty-six years , and spent most of our married life on and around Manchester , where he was ( eventually ) Market Research Manager in an engineering firm , and I practised social work when not fully engaged with the 2 children .
4 In this chapter we shall examine a construction which has the basic value of providing a subordinate property to assist in identification of some entity when this is not fully achieved by the noun .
5 Chancellor Norman Lamont is pressing the Bank of England to examine allegations that the big lenders are not fully passing on the cheaper rates .
6 These fluctuations are responsible for the ‘ spoke-like ’ pattern of bright and dark patches to be seen within the polygons of Fig. 22.6 , although , because of the unsteadiness , the behaviour is not fully illustrated by a single picture of this sort .
7 Between ( e ) and ( g ) there is a range of behaviour not fully illustrated by a still picture such as ( f ) , which looks like a superposition of ( e ) and ( g ) : if one watches the oscilloscope one sees the picture alternating randomly between the chaotic pattern and the ordered one .
8 Known as Carinthians and Slovenians , these tribes , at one time vassals of the original Avar Chagans , now paid tribute to Charles , though they were not fully absorbed into the Frankish realm or system of government .
9 This of course is a value judgement which a government is entitled to make , but it is one which some economists would argue is not fully justified by the evidence , on the basis of which there have been calls for much more stringent control .
10 At any rate from 1571 it might well have been very disadvantageous for anyone in the district to openly profess allegiance to the Popish ways and Roman Catholic miners well might have been driven underground — and that is not fully intended as a pun .
11 One of these rights , the right to sue the carrier , to this day is not fully lodged with the holder of the bill .
12 More remarkably , the Mohists appear to have been near to formulating the concept of functional dependence in the relation of motion to time , an idea that was not fully developed until the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century in Europe .
13 Though other , and earlier , examples are known , the term is normally employed for a typically English technique first evolved in the seventeenth century but not fully developed till the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
14 Its position was that considerations of comity should be fully addressed before discovery should be allowed to proceed by means not fully recognised by the foreign sovereign State concerned .
15 It is clear despite this that not enough is being done , and the seriousness of the position is still not fully realized by the average person .
16 ‘ The lines are not fully repaired after the war .
17 In view of all the information and advice that has been given during the course of this planning discussion , I 'm firmly of the opinion that sectors three , four and five do not fully comply with the requirement of P P G three .
18 Sir Alan has in the past written about his deep misgivings over intervention and has recently let it be known in the City that he believes the economy is at last showing signs of pronounced slowdown , a view not fully shared by the Treasury .
19 This raises very complicated questions , as yet not fully resolved by the courts , as to the extent to which a director who holds shares may take off his director 's hat and attempt to ratify as a shareholder his own alleged misconduct .
20 Britain 's armed forces were not fully committed to the struggle until after D Day , and it is this gap in time between the turn of fortune and the invasion of Europe that saw the most intense interest in post-war planning and , in particular , full employment policy .
21 Mrs Joan Corrigan , a committee member and one of five worried that the health authority was not fully committed to the unit , thanked Mr Stewart for his guarantee .
22 Recent studies of language acquisition reveal that children are very attentive , and actively process evidence in ways perhaps not fully appreciated at the time when Chomsky was championing a theory of innate linguistic universals that depended heavily on an alleged gap between the scanty data available to the child and the rich system that he eventually masters in response thereto .
23 Work by other engineers was obviously germane to the investigation of geomorphological processes but was not fully appreciated until the 1960s .
24 A low phenylalanine diet can not fully substitute for the fine tuning of phenylalanine turnover normally exerted by hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase .
25 In resisting rationalism he risks emphasising paradox to the point where it can seem sheerly irrational ; his insistence on the otherness of God and the sinfulness of man , and his fondness for some of the more arbitrary-seeming accounts of God in the stories of Abraham and Job , leave much too little place for a positive grasp of grace and mercy , goodness and love , though he does attempt to give them place ; his stress upon the centrality of the incarnation of God in Jesus commonly seems to reduce to the bare repetition of the claim that Jesus was also , paradoxically , God , but not fully to work through the implications and purpose of this identification of God with man ; his bitter attacks upon ‘ Christendom ’ in his latter years reveal rather too much of the solitary individualist who has little sense of the nature of community .
26 The eastern end was not fully established until the early eighteenth century , when the Turks were driven from Hungary , Transylvania and the Banat .
27 These considerations , however , do not fully account for the failure of Ford 's presidency .
28 Gerry Flynn , who still has not fully recovered from a hernia operation , was thrown into the fray against Ards , as was newcomer Fran Hitchcock for his first game , and they both marked the occasion with a goal .
29 Even so , he did not fully dispense with the technique of the classical school .
30 From the time of the Russian counter-offensive in mid-November 1942 , the Wehrmacht reports — seen and amended by Hitler himself — were largely silent about Stalingrad , and Goebbels , probably not fully informed of the true situation , confined himself largely to warnings about the severity of the struggle and the need to avoid the impression that a decisive stroke was imminent .
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