Example sentences of "not need a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the time they will not need a tangible reward like an extra sweet or a trip to the park .
2 In public the White House maintains that the president does not need a congressional resolution at all to use force .
3 If natural selection is employed in the explanations , we do not need a general linking of natural selection to the discovery of truth .
4 I did not need a vast beacon lit on a hilltop .
5 ‘ They do not need a new logic ; they need practice in paying attention to the explicit form of any utterance rather than its meaning .
6 Victorine protested that she did not need a new scarf and that green was not her colour .
7 He did not like to think of McAllister alone with her , but that was stupid — McAllister was no concern of his , and surely did not need a battered doctor to look out for her .
8 It could be used in sieges ; it was valuable when used in the open by a lightly armed foot solder ; likewise , a mounted archer , who did not need a first-class horse to ride , could prove to be a very mobile and effective combatant .
9 Small schools that might not need a full-time officer may be able to share one .
10 Casteleyn observed that ‘ Smaller libraries may not need a full-time training officer but may be able to benefit from the advice of a training officer employed to develop training centrally for the whole organisation ’ , and suggested that ‘ smaller authorities who were unlikely to have their own training officers should look to their authority 's training department for support ’ but it seems that in practice , smaller libraries are least likely to have an existing strong centre of training expertise to turn to .
11 Robert Lynch , President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies , voiced a current fear among the arts community when he told The Art Newspaper , ‘ The NEA does not need a conservative ideologue to clamp down on everything creative ’ .
12 Jump on condition " always " is an unconditional jump , so that we do not need a special operation code for this ( although the assembler language may have a special mnemonic for it ) .
13 You may not need a provisional licence if you hold a full licence which states that it may be used as a provisional licence for driving other categories .
14 ‘ I would not need a big budget , soft lights and an abstract theme .
15 And the Premier , rocked by the Maastricht storm and last week 's sterling crisis , does not need a ministerial resignation to add to his troubles .
16 When ninety-five per cent of the population of the Republic professes to being Roman Catholic , the Catholic Church does not need a constitutional commitment to dominate moral and social legislation .
17 Tanya Frost , of Lily 's Beauty Parlour , decided Norma 's fine , clear skin did not need a heavy foundation .
18 The surveyor who is appointed as supervising officer may not need a detailed knowledge of the law surrounding building contracts but should certainly have a full working knowledge of the procedures laid down in the contract .
19 ‘ The roads are excellent in Libya so you do not need a four-wheel-drive job , and there is certainly no shortage of petrol . ’
20 Again , one does not need a Marxist framework to attack the protective tariffs and import quotas of European and North American governments .
21 This is not to say that nationalized industries might not be capable of earning enough revenues to pay that debt ( far from it ) but that the Government will not need a published balance sheet to assess financial viability .
22 The Church should not be helping him up , but helping him over : false optimism does not need a helping hand ; it needs firstly the truth , and secondly love to salve the lost illusions and move on to a fuller humanity ( Walker 1986 : 214 ) .
23 Iraq did not need a nuclear device , because it already had stocks of binary chemical weapons and , he went on , any country which threatened Iraq with an atomic bomb would be " annihilated " by the chemicals .
24 It is true that a country does not need a nuclear power programme to be able to build a nuclear weapon .
25 It did n't need a Russian scholar to understand that the bald man was claiming that the documents and the guns were for him , only food and drink for the ‘ businessmen ’ .
26 You 've got a nice pudding so you do n't need a nasty pudding .
27 You do n't need a complex system for that — just time and some simple logic to begin with .
28 But gliders do n't need a real airport , a field will do .
29 That 's the trouble , I do n't need a ruddy gallon
30 another mistake in the film was to suggest that in a a short franchise , say of seven years they would need a great deal of working capital , but they wo n't need a great deal of working capital or or share capital , they will actually be running a business where they get subsidy , because if er they 're involving socially necessary lines , like commuter lines , or or rural lines , then we 've made it very clear er that the taxpayers subsidy will continue , because these are loss making businesses , they will be bid they will bid for subsidy , and they will continue to get that subsidy , so they will have the flow of whatever income they can increase , in the passenger franchise , plus the subsidy , plus , and this is a very important point in what we 're doing in the restructuring of British Rail , you see , nobody up till now has said that British Rail is perfect , everyone acknowledges that there are big improvements to be made , the way we 're structuring it will get those improvements because the smaller franchises , not the great big monolithic nationalized industry , the smaller units , ha will be able to identify much more clearly where they can make the savings and where they can increase the revenue .
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