Example sentences of "not expect [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One can not prove a personal judgment of this kind , and I do not expect immediate assent to it .
2 Abolitionists did not expect immediate conversion by slaveholders ; it was not necessary in so far as they were sure planters could not for long resist the economic imperatives .
3 He was less severe with me than he would have been normally , but I saw I could not expect great leniency from him .
4 Love Virgos involved in a new relationship should not expect much progress until at least early December .
5 I do not expect much joy from the Minister tonight , but I give warning that , for the time I remain on these Benches , with the label on which I came here eight and a half years ago — as a Labour Member of Parliament , albeit a Member who has a label beneath his name on the TV as an expelled Labour Member — I shall bring before the House the necessary measures not just to talk about the death of the poll tax but to bury it once and for all .
6 Another implication of ( 16 ) , or ( 15 ) , is that , apart from questioning the adjective , the language would also provide a means to question the noun phrase alone while " leaving behind " the predicate qualifier ( even though one might not expect such questions to be particularly common in practice ) , and in fact such questions are perfectly grammatical : ( 21 ) who(m) did he paint seated ? what did he send registered ?
7 The West should not expect outstanding interest to be paid off before 1993 .
8 We must consequently not expect Greek callers at Palestinian ports to go up to Jerusalem for the pleasure of observing Jewish festivals .
9 I would not expect these decisions to be uniform across the country because of different local circumstances and the likelihood of different clinical views on the efficacy of particular treatment .
10 A downturn is expected in 1993 since activity is anticipated to be lower as the company does not expect these contracts to be repeated .
11 I do not expect any difficulty in getting approval for the larger sum , and can do that at the same time as tenders are to hand for acceptance , but it will remain important to contain the total project cost as far as possible .
12 The representation is , of course , implicit and we would not expect any child to be able to state explicitly the phrase structure rules and transformations generating the sentences of his language .
13 Analysts do not expect any move for Ferranti until the radar contract is awarded , though one possible bidder — British Aerospace — has already ruled itself out .
14 Analysts do not expect any move for Ferranti until the radar contract is awarded , though one possible bidder — British Aerospace — has already ruled itself out .
15 I readily acknowledge that I can not expect definitive statements from the Minister when the answers given by his ministerial colleagues , who have greater legal experience than the Minister and I possess , are , to say the least , somewhat circumspect .
16 I would not expect this work to be on a contingency basis and would expect the fees to fall in the range of £ [ ] — £ [ ] per hour .
17 We should not expect three classes of behaviour corresponding to the three processes of adaptation .
18 They consider that there is no reason why parties should not expect fair procedures to be followed , and that the public law decision Ridge v Baldwin [ 1964 ] AC 40 applies the rules of natural justice to any person making a decision about individuals .
19 Where it is not supported , the reason is often , as suggested by Rundquist ( 1980 , 1983 ) , because the spending patterns are already set by the geography of demands ( one would not expect large spending on subsidies for cotton farmers in New Hampshire , for example ) and the goal of the pork barrellers is rather to get plenty of money for the programme than to direct it to certain areas rather than others .
20 In retirement we must achieve a state of calm , for we can not expect large segments of our lives to be filled with ecstasy .
21 However , direct coercive sanctions require continuous effort , and may in fact be a rather brittle form of social control , so we should not expect dominant groups in different societies to rely wholly and simply on such crude means of retaining their power and privilege , especially where their position has long been entrenched .
22 You ca n't expect ordinary people in this situation to live like hermits , and it would be unreasonable to expect Charles and Diana to live like hermits .
23 The county council says it hopes to give residents a choice on where they 'll be moved to and does n't expect compulsory redundancies among care staff .
24 Do n't expect chatty presenters on a comfy settee just yet .
25 You do n't expect finer feelings in a thief ? ’
26 DO N'T expect romantic comedy from Bill Alexander 's production of The Taming of the Shrew at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre , Stratford-upon-Avon .
27 Rather it was precisely to change attitudes , to stress individual responsibility — you 're on your own , do n't expect any help from us — and to reduce the state 's obligations .
28 ‘ All I 'm saying , George , is that you should n't expect any help from us .
29 ‘ Arthur does n't expect any nonsense from him till July .
30 I ca n't expect any favours from Graham Gooch in that direction .
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