Example sentences of "not give [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Copts would not give money for use against Copts .
2 The examiner can not give credit for irrelevancy , because that would be unfair to others who have answered only the question that they were asked .
3 Again in Johnston v Chamberlain ( 1933 ) 17 TC 706 , the taxpayer sought to argue that a payment from a discretionary trust could not give rise to income tax liability on the beneficiary as it was " only when the trustees choose to exercise their discretion by making the payment that the sum gets to the children at all " .
4 A general term can not give rise to zeugma in this way :
5 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
6 Most of this legislation is of a ‘ regulatory ’ nature and does not give rise to liability in damages .
7 The principle that an equitable lease does not give rise to privity of estate has several important exceptions .
8 ‘ You , like myself , my lord , are in but your thirteenth year — pray let us not give thought to death ! ’
9 One must not give way to despair .
10 I would not be so ungallant as to doubt the word of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East today , but given the pressure that Labour Members placed on that Bill , a serious question mark would hang over any Labour Secretary of State who did not give way to pressure regarding the timetabling of a public inquiry procedure and who did not take some time to allow the result to be published or deliberated on .
11 Fenella gasped and then thrust her clenched fist into her mouth , because she would not , she emphatically would not give way to polish emotion .
12 Unlike the annual Environment White Papers , a sustainable development report need not give space to quality of life issues where there are no long term implications , such as local issues of litter , the nuisance from dogs , noise , etc .
13 Witnesses do not give evidence on oath .
14 ( 1 ) This section shall apply to any premises for which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is held or to the premises of a registered club : ( a ) if the holder of the licence or , as the case may be , the club gives notice of the application of the section to the premises In accordance with subsection ( 6 ) below , and ( b ) as from such date as may be specified in the said notice : Provided that , in the case of premises for which a public house or a hotel licence is held or the premises of a club , the licence-holder or the club , as the case may be , shall not give notice of application as aforesaid , and this section shall not apply to such premises , unless the licensing board for the area within which the premises are situated is satisfied that the premises are structurally adapted and bona fide used , or intended to be used , for the purpose of habitually providing the customary main meal at midday for the accommodation of persons frequenting the premises .
15 ( 1 ) This section shall apply to any premises for which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is held or to the premises of a registered club : ( a ) if the holder of the licence or , as the case may be , the club gives notice of the application of the section to the premises in accordance with subsection ( 6 ) below , and ( b ) as from such date as may be specified in the said notice : Provided that , in the case of premises for which a public house or a hotel licence is held or the premises of a club , the licence-holder or the club , as the case may be , shall not give notice of application as aforesaid and this section shall not apply to such premises , unless the licensing board for the area within which the premises are situated is satisfied that the premises are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , for the purpose of habitually providing , for the accommodation of persons frequenting the premises , substantial refreshment to which the sale and supply of alcoholic liquor is ancillary .
16 ( 1 ) This section shall apply to any premises for which a public house licence is held and in respect of which an application for Sunday opening has not been granted under Schedule 4 to this Act : ( a ) if the holder of the licence gives notice of the application of the section to the premises in accordance with subsection ( 6 ) below , and ( b ) as from such date as may be specified in the said notice : Provided that a licence-holder shall not give notice of application as aforesaid , and this section shall not apply to the premises for which he holds his licence , unless : ( i ) the licensing board for the area within which the premises are situated is satisfied that the premises are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , for the purpose of habitually providing the customary main meal at midday or in the evening , or both , for the accommodation of persons frequenting the remises , and that the part of the premises mentioned in subsection 3 ) below does not contain a bar counter .
17 They conclude that the easterly route does not give value for money and can not be justified on any conceivable cost benefit analysis , or on any opportunity cost analysis , or on any orthodox accounting analysis .
18 Under the new Housing ( Scotland ) Act secure tenancies will be replaced by assured tenancies which do not give security of tenure .
19 ‘ I forgot the hour , ’ he added , and when Fabia , glancing at her watch , saw that , incredibly , it was getting on for three , she realised that when Ven was working it must be that he did n't give thought to food .
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