Example sentences of "not always easy [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always easy to describe conventions and to determine their force and strength .
2 In view of the ‘ grey area ’ it is not always easy to identify dots as being purposeful .
3 Researchers and practitioners have noted that , in interviewing , it is not always easy to keep questions of toilet training and sexual education separate in the minds of mothers concerned .
4 It is not always easy to keep Warrant Officer McSeveny 's mind on catering , because he is a rugby referee of note and When not on parade with his whistle he is usually talking or playing rugby .
5 As a student , it 's not always easy to avoid stress , so employing coping strategies is sometimes necessary .
6 It is not always easy to balance challenges and skills even when working with a single child on a relatively straightforward task ; for these class teachers working with mixed ability groups in settings where the normal practice was for several different tasks in different curriculum areas to be undertaken simultaneously , an adequate balance between challenges and skills throughout the group had to remain an aspiration rather than an achievement .
7 It is not always easy to separate hardware and software and this fact has been demonstrated on several occasions in the courts .
8 Besides , it is not always easy to distinguish treatments that alleviate symptoms and enhance life from those that prolong it ; this point is well illustrated by the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for cardiac failure .
9 It is not always easy to distinguish cases in which a Convention rule is to be treated as precluding the solution to a question that might otherwise be available under the applicable national law from cases in which the Convention rule is to be interpreted as not covering the question at all .
10 I know that it is not always easy to maintain enthusiasm and commitment in the midst of a severe recession with the inevitable consequences of financial restraint , colleagues being made redundant , and this year , losses at Group level .
11 It 's a good idea , for example , to plant strawberry runners this month , although it 's not always easy to find runners with good strong roots .
12 It is n't always easy to receive compliments , especially if you 're not used to them .
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