Example sentences of "not know [art] answer to " in BNC.

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1 I do not know the answers to any of these questions .
2 ‘ The writer of this article lives a long way from Washington and would not know the answers to these questions . ’
3 You may not know the answers to some of these things at first , but there will be plenty of chances to discuss them later .
4 ‘ It takes a lot of courage to confront these issues ; to ask yourself things you would rather not know the answers to .
5 The body clock has been studied very little in older volunteers and so we do not know the answer to this .
6 We simply do not know the answer to this question but brief mention of the complexity of a human individual 's environment may suffice at this point to indicate how elaborate the considerations will have to be .
7 Most of the time we do not know the answer to that clearly .
8 Rain still did not know the answer to that when she drove to Kington Square another hour on .
9 I am astonished that the hon. Gentleman , as a Member of Parliament in Central region within the Forth Valley health board area , does not know the answer to that question .
10 It is now certain that Malta 's coach , Pippo Psaila , could not predict what Scotland 's team will be , for the simple reason that even Roxburgh does not know the answer to that one yet .
11 A deaf person , as Lucy Downes told us , is not so much worried about not knowing the answer to any question put to him ; he 's worried , embarrassingly so , about not hearing the question .
12 I do n't know the answers to the problem .
13 We , we ca n't stand there in front of members and put ourselves in the firing line if we do n't know the answers to their questions .
14 I do n't know the answer to all these questions .
15 Never feel a failure if you have to admit that you do n't know the answer to a friend 's question .
16 The elves do n't know the answer to that one … ’
17 What he 's really saying is that he does n't know the answer to the question !
18 Erm I do n't know the answer to his question but I think he 's put his finger upon a point .
19 I do n't know the answer to that .
20 My mother had already told him that she did n't know the answer to this question .
21 Chemists do n't know the answer to this question .
22 I honestly do n't know the answer to that .
23 I , I do n't know the answer to that offhand , but it 's , I 'm inclined to think that erm at least by the time of the Republic there are things that some people are more naturally predisposed towards philosophy and other people are less naturally predisposed towards philosophy .
24 I mean , the one is just , so it may not be any great compliment to say that the cow has an equal chance erm but , but I , I actually do n't know the answer to that one , whether thought that
25 Alan what I I do n't know the answer to what you 're proposing I really do n't know the answer and er I mean I can only go on the , my , my experiences and my experiences are I 've never ever consciously or not aware of ever having bought any as a result of
26 Which if you imagine you 've got twenty , twenty four , twenty four people all sat around in that particular format and I nominate somebody within the group , twenty p pairs of eyes focus on this one guy , if he does n't know the answer to the question he 's incredibly embarrassed .
27 What are the implications of affiliating with somebody be questioned by that I do n't know the answer to .
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