Example sentences of "not go ahead with the " in BNC.

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1 However , she finally decided not to go ahead with the lawsuit .
2 Further , the defendant does not have the option of minimising the cost by deciding not to go ahead with the case !
3 Would not it be legally wise and politically sensible not to go ahead with the compulsory order to bring in bulldozers until difficulties with the European Commission and local people have been resolved ?
4 Now supporters are trying to persuade the council not to go ahead with the plans .
5 Prosecutors agreed not to go ahead with the case , in return for Chieke pleading guilty to separate , less serious matters , for which he is now serving 12 years in prison .
6 The petition calls on the secretary of state to ask BS not to go ahead with the planned transport switch and to urge BR to promote the Red-mire branch for freight and passenger traffic .
7 Secondly , the new weapons would encourage mutual disarmament in Europe by persuading the Soviet Union to withdraw the SS-20s in return for not going ahead with the cruise devices .
8 thank you situation are appointed jointly by the County Council and the County and effectively these consultations and of that er appointment and the following the last Committee we agreed with the er detail and of the and we also agreed that we would not go ahead with the which until we have seen the result of the consultation and therefore there still outstanding as whether we wish to action the not .
9 Anchor have said they will not go ahead with the project without a liquor licence .
10 ‘ It 's a case at the moment that I can not go ahead with the case because I can not afford £700 , ’ said Barbara .
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