Example sentences of "not [vb infin] a threat to " in BNC.

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1 He confirmed that Iraq had been effectively disarmed as a military power , and was left with an army largely composed of infantry which could not constitute a threat to neighbouring states in the immediate future .
2 Kelly , however , ventured the opinion that asking the manager for a statement on where the club were headed did not constitute a threat to Brady 's position .
3 Circumscribed by the injunction — voiced or not , that the machines built around it should not pose a threat to IBM Corp 's proprietary product lines , the designers of the Power RISC created a chip that was heavily slewed towards scientific and technical applications — but the IBM world has changed out of all recognition since then and the RS/6000 is at least as widely used in commercial applications as in technical , while IBM is finding it increasingly hard to sell proprietary systems .
4 Whilst agreeing with the Commission about the desirability of reducing the number of crown court cases which are prepared for trial but where the defendant unexpectedly pleads guilty at the last moment , it believes that there are other ways of tackling this problem which do not pose a threat to the interests of justice .
5 Nevertheless the Merovingian civil wars did not pose a threat to the survival of the kingdom .
6 The rational expectations hypothesis does not pose a threat to Keynesian theory in the way that was thought to be the case when it first entered into macroeconomics .
7 The lead , believed to come from industrialised countries in the southern hemisphere , is at very low concentrations and does not pose a threat to living organisms .
8 Self-assured enough to make decisions , clarify your goals and take risks , other people 's definitions , needs and opinions do not represent a threat to you .
9 Thus if all cancers discovered at necropsy were identified clinically and treated then 26 out of 27 patients would be treated unnecessarily because these tumours do not represent a threat to their lives .
10 Philippe , Duke of Orleans , brother to the future Louis XIV was raised as a girl to ensure that he would n't pose a threat to his elder sibling 's claim to the throne of France .
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