Example sentences of "not [art] [adj] kind [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The married family is , however , not the only kind of family in existence , and difficulties can arise when policies are based upon one image of the family to the exclusion of other types of family or living arrangement .
2 This type of object-cathexis , based on sexuality , is not the only kind of emotional tie which is found .
3 Well this is kind of like a sideline for us , the Game Genie Video Enhancer in not the normal kind of thing we do .
4 Not the usual kind of student 's flat , ’ muttered the Marshal , surprised to find his feet walking on fitted carpet , a thing that only happened to him in the lobbies of hotels he was checking on .
5 Not the usual kind at all .
6 The genius of the Council of Chalcedon , in saying that Jesus is one person in both divine and human natures , was that it denied that the incarnation implied anything about the nature of God ( the meaning of ‘ God ’ ) , asserting simply that God , the mystery of Creation , is become a human being — not a divine kind of human being but a human kind of human being .
7 What all the successful entrepreneurs I have met have in common is not a certain kind of personality but a commitment to the systematic practice of innovation .
8 They are not a specific kind of tree , but a way of being a tree ; several unrelated species ( black mangroves , white mangroves , etc ) are involved .
9 First you must cut out the airy speculation inside the brackets , then you must examine in what ways this is and is not a new kind of play , and then rephrase juvenilian , which at present totters between juvenile and some reference to that difficult writer of Roman satires , Juvenal , who may be an influence on Marston , but hardly on Shakespeare .
10 I 'm not a jealous kind of person , and my own parents were divorced five into my marriage with Bailey .
11 The reef is indeed a way of life , not a particular kind of creature .
12 But the Chiefs were not a different kind of person in the way that , in the armed services , officers were officers and men were men .
13 Damage by explosion was probably not a foreseeable kind of damage .
14 We were invited to a ‘ banquet ’ on the evening after our arrival here , but actually there was n't the usual kind of formal speech making .
15 It was the company that Joanna Martin missed the most when she left to get married : " all the girls helped each other , and if you had n't the right kind of type , someone helped you " .
16 She was n't the spontaneous kind of person who would just up and leave .
17 Dimly , she thought that was n't the romantic kind of thing she 'd envisioned saying at this point , but what did it matter ?
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